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Topic: Februarie 2017

5 posts, 5829 views
Februarie 2017 Metamorph

Inceputul lunii a consemnat un moment important pe santier,ceea ce se vede in imaginile de mai jos intamplandu-se ieri,02.02.Imaginile sunt de astazi.
IMAG8240[1].jpg (1 MB; downloaded 5571 times)
IMAG8241[1].jpg (891.83 KB; downloaded 5572 times)


Re: Februarie 2017 nope

Si aici filmul (timelapse) cu ridicarea ultimei grinzi. S-a mutat cu doua macarale in prima faza. Enjoy :)


Re: Februarie 2017 t530

Ciurel 2017.02.07-13

Ciurel 2017.02.14-20


Re: Februarie 2017 Gabi23

22 februarie

Și o ”privire” de la sol...

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (1).JPG (351.77 KB; downloaded 4247 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (2).JPG (330.57 KB; downloaded 4244 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (3).JPG (178.76 KB; downloaded 4221 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (4).JPG (405.97 KB; downloaded 4245 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (5).JPG (310.35 KB; downloaded 4248 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (6).JPG (313.92 KB; downloaded 4245 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (7).JPG (327.33 KB; downloaded 4242 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (8).JPG (365.97 KB; downloaded 4245 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (9).JPG (292.36 KB; downloaded 4244 times)

Ciurel - 22.02.2017 (10).JPG (384.76 KB; downloaded 4215 times)


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