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Topic: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 August"- FAUR București )

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Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA stefan_br

Am  impresia ca este LDH70-796 ex-CET Braila. In prezent nu stiu daca mai este fizic acolo, alte locomotive din incinta fostului Combinat de la Chiscani fiind casate/vandute de cativa ani.


Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA shoppy

Am trecut eu azi, este fix acolo.


Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA PaulIP

Cateva LDH-125 de aici:







Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA Gaby

92 53 0 800219-3 RO-SNTFC (Depoul Iași)
16.01.2017, Iași
Manevrarea garniturii lui IR1837/IR1838 Iași - Timișoara Nord - Iași


Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA cosmin theodor

80-0258-6 abandonata in portul Constanta. A apartinut depoului Sibiu, iar la cum arata acum nu prea pare sa aiba un viitor prea stralucit (cel putin cand am facut poza asa arata, acuma poate se afla la vreun operator privat), 23.10.2016.

80-0258-6 by Bucur Theodor Cosmin, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA 19jimmy84

80-0620-7 la manevre in Grivita

80-0620-7 by 19jimmy84, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA 19jimmy84


80-0624-9 by 19jimmy84, on Flickr


80-0525-8 by 19jimmy84, on Flickr


80-0487-1 by 19jimmy84, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA 19jimmy84

80-0394-9 in Remiza Basarab

80-0394-9 by 19jimmy84, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA ByOnu

Un off-topicminuscul. Un exemplar a fost trimis in SUA in 1974 si casat spre sfarsitul anilor 80.

Former Washington Terminal No.78 stands at Sayre PA, its working days done.
Photograph courtesy Scot Lawrence

In 1974 one LDH 125 locomotive was shipped to the United States of America as a demonstrator model. This was intended to be the forerunner for an order for a further twenty five similar locomotives to be exported to the U.S.A. However this never materialised which is probably not surprising considering the competition that this locomotive was up against in the land of EMD & GE. Even if the 6LDA28B engine had found favour with its testors, the locomotive's hydraulic transmission certainly would be a leap of faith for those willing to operate the locomotive.

The locomotive carried the lettering 'Quarter Horse' on the striped band along the long hood.

After its initial testing in the Mid-West by the North American Car Company, Illinois, it was acquired by Washington Terminal, being renumbered 78, for use in switching duties in Washington DC. It is reported that due to the light weight of the locomotive, at least by American standards, it was not the greatest of success.

It was later acquired by a freight car repair company that operated from the former Lehigh Valley shops at Sayre, PA. It would be scrapped here during the late 1980's.



Re: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 AUGUST"-FA shoppy

81.0805 a TFG iesita din BN spre Constanta.
DSC05154.JPG (440.93 KB; downloaded 6140 times)


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