Zona metropolitană BucureștiLucrări de modernizare și extindere a infrastructuriiProiecte și lucrări finalizate parțial, suspendate sau abandonateStrăpungerea Splaiul Independenţei – Ciurel – A1Reportajele anului 2016


Topic: August 2016

6 posts, 5001 views
August 2016 Gabi23

Sâmbătă, 6 august 2016

La apus de soare...

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (1).JPG (282.11 KB; downloaded 4829 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (2).JPG (311.07 KB; downloaded 4827 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (3).JPG (262.09 KB; downloaded 4828 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (4).JPG (267.86 KB; downloaded 4826 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (5).JPG (344.04 KB; downloaded 4826 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (6).JPG (284.88 KB; downloaded 4828 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (7).JPG (308.95 KB; downloaded 4828 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (8).JPG (333.17 KB; downloaded 4828 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (9).JPG (275.36 KB; downloaded 4828 times)

Ciurel - 06.08.2016 (10).JPG (342.37 KB; downloaded 4830 times)


Re: August 2016 shoppy

Si de la mine cateva
DSC04494.JPG (359.67 KB; downloaded 4785 times)
DSC04495.JPG (366.03 KB; downloaded 4784 times)
DSC04497.JPG (385.46 KB; downloaded 4783 times)


Re: August 2016 Metamorph

Astazi,zi libera.In rest...progres extrem de slab.
IMAG5338.jpg (951.01 KB; downloaded 4191 times)
IMAG5339.jpg (974.79 KB; downloaded 4192 times)
IMAG5340.jpg (1.14 MB; downloaded 4191 times)
IMAG5344.jpg (1.17 MB; downloaded 4192 times)
IMAG5350.jpg (1.07 MB; downloaded 4192 times)
IMAG5351.jpg (959.14 KB; downloaded 4191 times)


Re: August 2016 shoppy

21 August

Putine de pozat, vedem rampa Ciurel partial decofrata si schelele pentru continuarea ei(care se vad si in reportajul anterior dar nu s-a punctat).
Au sapat niste santuri de utilitati langa si in curtea Lukoil, s-a turnat si trotuarul la care se lucra, nimic nou in rest.
DSC04607.JPG (362.21 KB; downloaded 3745 times)


Re: August 2016 t530

Am atasat mai jos cateva cadre de astazi

20160825_130936 by T530 ., on Flickr

20160825_131005 by T530 ., on Flickr

20160825_133008 by T530 ., on Flickr

20160825_133015 by T530 ., on Flickr


Re: August 2016 Gabi23

30 august 2016

Au deviat trotuarul în zona benzinăriei:

Ciurel - 30.08.2016 (1).JPG (394.57 KB; downloaded 2768 times)

Ciurel - 30.08.2016 (2).JPG (415.44 KB; downloaded 2762 times)

Ciurel - 30.08.2016 (3).JPG (468.02 KB; downloaded 2762 times)

Ciurel - 30.08.2016 (4).JPG (608.19 KB; downloaded 2763 times)


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