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Topic: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016

12 posts, 5953 views
BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

Azi a fost BIAS.
As dori sa va prezint cateva cadre mai interesante in ordine cronologica. :)

YAK-52 - Fortele Aeriene Romane
01 - Yak52a.JPG (988.62 KB; downloaded 5348 times)

02 - Yak52b.JPG (469.62 KB; downloaded 5350 times)

Elicopterul IAR 316 - FAR
03 - IAR 316.JPG (2.8 MB; downloaded 5348 times)

C27 Spartan - FAR
04 - C27 Spartan a.JPG (3.34 MB; downloaded 5348 times)

05 - C27 Spartan b.JPG (2.46 MB; downloaded 5348 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

Iacarii Acrobati - YAK 52

06 - Yak 52 Iacarii a.JPG (6.35 MB; downloaded 5347 times)

07 - Iak52 Iacarii b.JPG (924.69 KB; downloaded 5348 times)

08 - Yak 52 Iacarii c.JPG (1.32 MB; downloaded 5347 times)

09 - Iak 52 Iacarii d.JPG (1.93 MB; downloaded 5347 times)

L159 Alca - Fortele Aeriene Cehe

10 - L159 Alca.JPG (515.09 KB; downloaded 5348 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

Tarom Boeing 737-700 YR-BGG (zis si "Gogu") / Retro-jet-ul Tarom-ului impreuna cu Hawks of Romania

11 - Tarom B737 plus Hawks.JPG (1.43 MB; downloaded 5347 times)

13 - Tarom plus Suhoi 27.JPG (1016.09 KB; downloaded 5348 times)

14 - Tarom B737.JPG (691.53 KB; downloaded 5348 times)

12 - Hawks.JPG (3.83 MB; downloaded 5348 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

Flying Bulls - F4U Corsair si B25 Mitchell

15 - Flying Bulls F4U Corsair.JPG (1.7 MB; downloaded 5347 times)

16 - Flying Bulls B25 Mitchell.JPG (2.48 MB; downloaded 5345 times)

17 - Flying Bulls B25 Mitchell.JPG (2.55 MB; downloaded 5345 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

MIG-urile 21 Lancer ale Fortelor Aeriene Romane

18 - MIG 21 Lancer.JPG (1.11 MB; downloaded 5343 times)

19 - MIG 21 Lancer.JPG (894.51 KB; downloaded 5346 times)

Elicopter IAR 330 Puma

20 - IAR 330 Puma.JPG (2.17 MB; downloaded 5344 times)

EF-18M Hornet al Fortelor Aeriene Spaniole

21 - EF-18M Hornet Spania.JPG (871.51 KB; downloaded 5346 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

Din nou Hawks of Romania

22 - Hawks of ROmania Extra 300L.JPG (1.59 MB; downloaded 5345 times)

23 - Hawks of ROmania.JPG (2.16 MB; downloaded 5343 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

O prezenta constanta la BIAS - Jurgis Kairys - lituanianul de 64 de ani cu al sau Sukhoi 31

24 - SU 31 Jurgis Kairys.JPG (799.55 KB; downloaded 5343 times)

25 - SU 31 Jurgis Kairys.JPG (1.22 MB; downloaded 5345 times)

26 - SU 31 Jurgis Kairys.JPG (654.17 KB; downloaded 5342 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

In final, vedeta show-ului: Sukhoi 27 Flanker al Fortelor Aeriene Ucrainiene

27 - Sukhoi 27 Flanker Ukr.JPG (2.46 MB; downloaded 5343 times)

28 - Sukhoi 27 Flanker Ukr.JPG (1.41 MB; downloaded 5343 times)

29 - Sukhoi 27 Flanker Ukr.JPG (1.49 MB; downloaded 5344 times)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 cris_m

Super pozele! Chiar daca a fost cald si mult soare, eu zic ca a meritat :)


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 Robert24

As fi ramas pana la sfarsit, dar prea mult soare mi-a daunat la un moment dat! :)
Sper ca a surprins cineva si cateva cadre la apus.  :D


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 TibiV

Robert, eu nu am fost, dar "cadrele la apus" dorite de tine le-a pus...  Aeroclubul Romaniei! :)
Inainte de cele doua cadre "la apus" avem unul din timpul antrenamentelor... Unul pe care "civilii" de la sol nu aveau cum sa il prinda... ;)

Si cele doua poze "la apus" tot de la ei...
Absolut SUPERBE !...


Re: BIAS - Bucharest International Air Show 2016 cris_m

I le-am trimis si eu pe Facebook in privat, ieri seara :lol:


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