Transportul feroviar în RomâniaPrezentări și discuții - material rulantLocomotive electrice


Topic: Locomotive clasa 400 (ex 40) (Electroputere Craiova România)

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Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Andrei Irimescu

EA 229 in Lunca Bradului

EA 357 in Beclean pe Somes

EA 756 in Dej Calatori

EA 782 in Dej Calatori

EA 770 in Sighisoara


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) mureseanu_976

1023 cu motorina pentru Glogovat trece fara oprire DEVA


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gaby

CFR 40-0394-3, 20.07.2015 IR12837 Iași - Timișoara Nord, la ieșire din orașul Iași

CFR 40-0394-3 by Lucian Găbițu, on Flickr

CFR 40-0799-3, 20.07.2015, triaj Socola - Iași

CFR 40-0799-3 by Lucian Găbițu, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) mureseanu_976

EA 220 cu naveta Tim Rail Cargo de la Constanta Port la Timisoara.
Orsova (MH), 13.07.2015


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) razvan22

EA 911 cu un Marfar pentru Ronat

40-0911-4 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr
EA 1005 izolata

40-1005-4 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

EA 369 a depoului Cluj cu IR 10804 Brasov-Bucuresti Nord-Constanta. 22.07.2015


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

Brașoveanca 40-0540-1, cu trenul R3011 București Basarab - Brașov:

40-0540-1 - Pajura Hm - 23.07.2015.JPG (132.18 KB; downloaded 4169 times)

Gălățeanca 40-0581-5 cu IR402:

40-0581-1 - Pajura Hm - 23.07.2015.JPG (152 KB; downloaded 4167 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) razvan22

EA 425 Orsova

40-0425-5 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr
EA 260 P.O Port Orsova

40-0260-6 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr
EA 389 P.O Port Orsova

91 53 0 400389-9 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) razvan22

EA 273 cu un cerealier in Virciorova si Valea Cernei

40-0273-9 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr

40-0273-9 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr
EA 754 R 9503

40-0754-8 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr
EA 867 cu un tren de Dacii

40-0867-8 by Artinescu Razvan, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) shoppy

1 August

813 din nou(si cu 474.015)
DSC02973.JPG (409.2 KB; downloaded 3950 times)
DSC02977.JPG (397.12 KB; downloaded 3949 times)
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DSC02984.JPG (430.87 KB; downloaded 3949 times)
DSC02985.JPG (423.09 KB; downloaded 3952 times)
DSC02991.JPG (312.62 KB; downloaded 3960 times)
DSC02997.JPG (315.62 KB; downloaded 3950 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) shoppy

2 August

DSC03036.JPG (470.65 KB; downloaded 4612 times)
DSC03037.JPG (474.61 KB; downloaded 4632 times)
DSC03040.JPG (492.78 KB; downloaded 4611 times)
DSC03042.JPG (447.33 KB; downloaded 4611 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

EA 756 cu IR 10804 Brasov-Bucuresti Nord-Constanta.


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23



40-0010-5 - Predeal - 11.08.2015.JPG (115.79 KB; downloaded 3905 times)

40-0014-7 cu IR1646

40-0014-7 - Predeal - 11.08.2015.JPG (119.79 KB; downloaded 3888 times)


40-0507-0 - Predeal - 11.08.2015.JPG (116.5 KB; downloaded 3891 times)


40-1008-8 - Predeal - 11.08.2015.JPG (128.6 KB; downloaded 3887 times)


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