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Topic: Metroul

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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

Nowy Świat Uniwersytet face referire o dată la Bulevardul numit Lumea Nouă, asemănător cu Calea Victoriei, strada de promenadă a Varșoviei împânzită de baruri, cafenele, restaurante, iar a doua oară la existența Universității în apropiere. Având în vedere că bulevardul este închis traficului rutier în weekend, iar pe micile străzi lăturalnice se pot înregistra blocaje (inclusiv din cauza autobuzelor de 18 m care sunt forțate să o ia pe acolo), stația de metrou este de departe cea mai bună opțiune a ajunge în zona de promenadă. Ce te frapează la această stație este panta de coborâre destul de pronunțată care se vede la tunelele de metrou. Aceasta se explică prin faptul că relieful orașului coboară destul de abrupt în zonă către lunca și respectiv albia fluviului.
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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

In ultima imagine am pozat programul liniei de metrou afișat în stație. În Polonia informarea publicului călător privind orarul transportului public este o obligație stabilită prin lege.
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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

Metro Świętokrzyska este singura stație deservită la ora actuală de două linii de metrou. De menționat că magistala 2 trece pe sub magistrala 1, și de aici și senzația de coborâre în adâncime de pe scara rulantă. Mi-am pus problema cum vor rezolva polonezii problema fluxurilor mari de călători care vor face la orele de vârf transferul între două magistrale. Însă mi-am dat seama din primul moment, când am văzut că transferul între linii se face prin trecerea prin două rânduri de turnicheți, o dată de ieșire și a doua oară de intrare cu ATENȚIE! o nouă validare, că pe ei de fapt nu i-a preocupat această problemă. Există câteva avantaje care cel puțin în acest moment elimină riscul de supraaglomerare a stației. Principalul avantaj ține de faptul că magistrala 2 este foarte scurtă și nu are decât un flux foarte scăzut de călători. Acest avantaj va dispărea odată cu prelungirea magistralei în cele două direcții. Al doilea avantaj este poziția stației Świętokrzyska la nici 500 de metrii de Centrum, cea mai importantă stație de metrou care atrage cel mai mare flux de călători. Świętokrzyska în sine, fiind în umbra stației Centrum care este mult mai bine poziționată, nu prea atrage călători de la suprafață având aproape exclusiv rolul de tranfer între linii. De asemenea nu există între M1 și M2 un pasaj lung și destul de îngust ca în cazul metroului la Unirii 1 și 2, ci doar un spațiu de vestibul, prin care s-ar putea circula destul de rapid dacă s-ar elimina acei turnicheți și eventual o serie de pereți cu rol pur despărțitor și de ghidare către respectivii turnicheți.
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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

De remarcat la nivelul vestibulului cele două panouri care prezintă istoria metroului varșovian cu ocazia împlinirii a 20 de ani de la inaugurarea metroului în 1995.
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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

Și la final vederea de la suprafață cu ceva zgarie-nori construiți recenți, binecunoscutul Palat stalinist al al Culturii și Științei, și diferența de stil între gurile de metrou ale magistralei M1 și cele ale M2.
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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

Rondo ONZ se află într-o zonă în care blocurile rezidențiale se amestecă cu zgârie-norii construiți în ultimii ani. Stația este în general pustie, fluxul de călători pe latura vestică a magistralei fiind extrem de redus.
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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

Și o vedere de la suprafață
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Re: Polonia, Varsovia Icsilviu

Rondo Daszyńskiego, actuala stație terminus a magistralei, are de asemenea un flux foarte scăzut de călători. În imediata apropiere a stației se construiește Spira Varșoviei, un nou zgârie-nor de birouri pe care este arborat mesajul  Kocham Warszawę – Iubesc Varșovia.
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Re: Metroul din Varsovia punmeister

Skoda a prezentat azi un render cu noile rame de metrou pentru Varsovia, fiind si prima comanda din UE pentru Skoda.
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Re: Metroul din Varsovia PTMZ

Warsaw starts the construction of a third metro line
Six new stations should be ready by 2028
Warsaw is getting ready for the construction of a third metro line, as announced by mayor Rafał Trzaskowski on Monday, 15 March. Despite a difficult year for municipal finances, the Polish capital is preparing for significant infrastructure investments, the first stage of which shall be given the green light on Thursday by the city council. The new line will connect Praga-South (Praga-Południe) with the city centre, and ultimately also with Ochota district and Mokotów.

Transport communication – a key priority despite the pandemic
The Mayor of Warsaw has approved the construction of the third metro line and the city council should decide whether to transfer the money for the first stage of works this week. That phase will last until 2028 and previews the addition of six new stations.

The new line will run from the National Stadium station, which was planned as a transfer junction from the very beginning. From there, the M3 will go to the following stations: Dworzec Wschodni, Mińska, Rondo Wiatraczna, Ostrobramska, Jana Nowaka-Jeziorański and the Gocław station.

In addition, there will also be a branch leading to the “Kozia Górka” Technical & Holding Station. The National Stadium in Warsaw will thus become a key communication node on the right-bank of Warsaw, enabling the transfer between trains at the railway station, bus lines and trams.

“It was not an easy decision, because the financial situation of the city is really difficult. Warsaw must, however, become not only an ideal place to work but also a dream place to live. The construction of the third metro line is of key importance here, because communication is one of the most important services we provide to our residents,” Mayor Trzaskowski was quoted on the municipal portal. He further explained that the city wants to prepare well for the new financial framework of the European Union.

The new line will serve an estimated 180,000 people living in Praga-Południe alone and the large housing estates of Gocław, Grochowa and Kamionka. Its itinerary has been mapped based on the analyses of independent experts based on conclusions from the work on a new study of the conditions and directions of spatial development in Warsaw - a key document that determines the growth of the city and its further development.

Sursa: The


Re: Metroul din Varsovia PTMZ

ZTM Warszawa has announced a tender for predesign works for the first phase of Warsaw metro Line 3 for the construction of 8 km of line and six stations including a branch to the Kozia Górka Technical and Parking station.The offers can be submitted by June 28.

The winner will have 18 months to perform the contract which covers a design concept report, the identification of the impact on the neighboring buildings relating the construction of the metro facilities and the approach on this issue, vibration, and dynamic loads on the buildings’ structures. The company will also deliver hydro geological and geological – engineering documentation and will elaborate a functional and operational programme together with the Technical Specification for the execution and acceptance of the construction works.

60% of the evaluation criteria will consider the bidder’s additional experience as a coordinator, an architectural, construction and building and railway engineering designer.

The construction of the first section of the Line 3 is expected to be completed in 2028. It will run from the Stadion Narodowy station to Gocław station in the Praga-Południe district. It will cross the Eastern rail station, Mińska street, Rondo Wiatraczna square, Ostrobramska street, and Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego street. The route of the Line 3 was identified based on the analysis provided by a consortium of Egis Rail and TransEko.

Warsaw metro Line 3 will provide increased access to public transport services for 180,000 people living in Praga-Południe area and will also provide efficient communication services for large housing estates such as Gocław (southeast Warsaw), Grochowa (part of Praga-Południe) and Kamionka (right bank of the Vistula river).

This spring, the Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, has approved the construction of the third metro line expected to be used by 315,000 passengers per day that will reach the city centre within 17 minutes when the new line will be put into commercial operation.
The new line will connect the Praga-Południe area with the city centre, and ultimately also with the districts Ochota and Mokotów.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: Metroul din Varsovia PTMZ

Škoda Transportation unveiled the new Warsaw metro train which enters trials on the test track at the Plzeň plant and after this phase will be completed, it will also be tested on the test circuit of the Rail Research Institute in Velim, on the Prague metro system and the metro in Warsaw.

The fine-tuning and type testing phase will be followed by “further static and dynamic fine tuning. Going forward, there will be weeks or months of static and dynamic tests in order to fine tune everything to a state of perfection. This is a standard process that all new models have to undergo” Zdeněk Sváta, Senior Vice President for Implementation in the group Škoda Transportation said.

Škoda Transportation will complete the second trainset which is currently undergoing final assembly.
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The first new metro trainsets are expected to enter Warsaw metro system in the first quarter of 2022. “The inhabitants of Warsaw are really looking forward to them, because halfway through next year work will be completed on the construction of new metro stations in Bemow and Targówek“Rafał Trzaskowski, the Mayor of Warsaw said.

The fully walk-through vehicle is designed with a capacity for 1500 passengers which will benefit a clearer internal and external audio-visual information system. The trains are adapted to passengers with disabilities providing sections for wheelchair users, as well as areas for prams and bicycles.

The interior of the passenger area was designed with the aim of creating a pleasant environment for passengers and the driver. The driver will also have the use of a camera system. The cars’ bodywork is made of aluminium and was created on the largest machining centre in Europe, which is located at Škoda Transportation’s Ostrava plant. One car is approximately 20 metres long, and the entire train is 118.2 metres long. The new trains’ maximum speed is 90 km/h.

The trains allow full electro-dynamic braking in all modes of train occupancy with a preference for regenerative braking, where electrical energy is transferred back to the power system. The trains are manufactured according to EN and UIC standards.

This is a breakthrough order in the area of urban rail vehicles because the tender in Warsaw was one of the largest in Europe when it was called. Warsaw will become the eighth European capital where Škoda vehicles operate. The order also includes the delivery of spare parts, a simulator, an extended guarantee and training.

This new metro train is part of a CZK 8 billion (EUR 317 million) contract signed at the beginning of 2020 with Metro Warszawskie for the delivery of up to 45 six-car metro trains. The project received EUR 87.2 million from the EBRD and ING Bank.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Metroul din Varsovia gintaras663

PL - Poland , Warsaw metro M1/ Metro Warszawskie M1 2022

PL - Poland , Warsaw metro M2 ALL STATIONS 2022 / Metro Warszawskie M2 WSZYSTKIE STACJE 2022


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