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Topic: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 August"- FAUR București )

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Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest ANDU2100HP

DHC-565 in Buftea pe abatuta 7 cu un mixt spre Titu-Targoviste


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest ANDU2100HP

DHC-0064 a CFR Infrastructura cu niste Fapccs-uri spre remiza speciala Mogosoaia , 20-10-2014


Re: Poze de tot felul fara trenuri ANDU2100HP

Placa DHC-252 (Sibiu) și 171 (BC)

PLACA 252.jpg (154.62 KB; downloaded 2551 times)
PLACA 171.jpg (160.79 KB; downloaded 2570 times)


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest R936

264 și 717, Simeria
15874458133_93bde6f3d2_b.jpg (210.85 KB; downloaded 3113 times)
14264796164_d8d5c4405a_b.jpg (203.84 KB; downloaded 3112 times)


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest R936

805, Cluj-Napoca
16425046929_210c4cd1fd_b.jpg (214.42 KB; downloaded 3115 times)


Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Rathgeber2523

81-0187-0 dupa RG-ul de la IRLU Braila

IMG_4981 by Vatmanu076, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest MariusCFRBucuresti

De la stanga la dreapta: 197 , 414 , 312 .

040-DHC ~ Depoul Bucuresti Calatori by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest R936

016 şi 851 în Vinţu de Jos
16925561630_dc170f711e_b.jpg (230.1 KB; downloaded 3114 times)
16925328768_8f00bb2555_b.jpg (230.7 KB; downloaded 3113 times)


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest R936

81-0287-3, conservată în depoul Dej Triaj
14137731656_16c5f1455c_b.jpg (198.63 KB; downloaded 3142 times)


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest shoppy

In Bulgaria sunt inscrise in seria 55, in gara Varna sunt folosite la manevra si au destul de multe conservate.
Cateva poze doar asa, informative, 55-082, 55-101 si alte neindentificate:
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Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest FoFo650

526 la manevra in Dej Triaj - 16.04.2015

81-0526-4 | CFR Marfa by Alex.G_650, on Flickr

532 cu tren de lucru Robel in Dej Calatori - 16.04.2015

80-0532-4 | CFR Infrastructura by Alex.G_650, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasele 80 si 81 ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest shoppy

55.182 Bulmarket la Varna
55.239 la Ruse (imi scapa operatorul, facea manevra pentru GFR)
81.0758 de la GFR
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