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Topic: Locomotive clasa 400 (ex 40) (Electroputere Craiova România)

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Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) FoFo650

Gabi23 wrote:
FoFo650 wrote:
23 de vagoane ex-NS

Cine a achiziționat aceste vagoane?

Ferotrans. Sunt la Remar Pascani. Habar n-am ce fac cu ele..

40-0563-3 cu marfar ”economic”

40-0563-3 | CFR Marfa by Alex.G_650, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) razvan22

EA 725 tranzitand Orsova cu un marfar scurt

40-0725-8 by artinescu.razvan, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

IR 347-2 la intrare in Predeal cu EA 008.

EA 008 ~ Predeal by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) FoFo650

EA90 cu cazane pentru Argestru si un mecanic care pare nervos, insa care a dat blitz

91 50 0 400090-3 | GFR by Alex.G_650, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) R936

146, 565, 623, 1001, în Simeria
16366630997_216a99aa7a_o.jpg (223.47 KB; downloaded 2718 times)
9261316055_6ca7dbe795_b.jpg (193.54 KB; downloaded 2719 times)
16366632487_87b9715b1b_b.jpg (185.21 KB; downloaded 2719 times)
15929965364_827ec23828_b.jpg (192.17 KB; downloaded 2720 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Rathgeber2523

EA 480

Picture 422 by Vatmanu076, on Flickr

Picture 423 by Vatmanu076, on Flickr

Picture 424 by Vatmanu076, on Flickr
EA 476

Picture 428 by Vatmanu076, on Flickr
EA 088

Picture 429 by Vatmanu076, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) FoFo650

EA828 cu marfar spre Vatra Dornei

40-0828-0 |  CFR Marfa by Alex.G_650, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

EA 059 in Depoul Bucuresti Calatori.

EA 059 ~ Depoul Bucuresti Calatori by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Andrei388


40-0669-8 in Bucuresti Nord.
40-0669-8.jpg (181.12 KB; downloaded 4225 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

EA 014 pentru IR 1540.

EA 014 ~ Brasov by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr

EA 224 spre triajul Brasov.

EA 224 ~ Brasov by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr

EA 759 izolata in gara Brasov.

EA 759 ~ Brasov by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr

EA 893 in triajul Brasov.

EA 893 ~ Brasov by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

40-0862-9 - CFR Marfă (Depoul Craiova) la Chitila:

40-0862-9 - Chitila - 13.04.2015.JPG (142.39 KB; downloaded 3889 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

EA 263 pentru DT IR 1539 pe relatia Brasov-Teius.

EA 263 ~ Brasov by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr

EA 014 pentru IR 1540-1.

EA 014 ~ Brasov by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr

EA 875 a CFR Marfa (Dep Pascani) in Brasov Triaj.

EA 875 ~ Brasov Triaj by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr



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