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Topic: V3A-93-CH-PPC

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Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati DAF SB220

4032 (in 7 mai era si 4012).

Picture 006 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Victor92

4018 - 1 - 3.10.2014.JPG (234.08 KB; downloaded 4099 times)


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati DAF SB220

4016, 4018, 4019, 4032, 4035

Picture 009 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

Picture 014 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

Picture 016 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

Picture 012 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

Picture 015 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati georgica2704

Dupa  o lunga perioada in care Alexandria nu a mai trimis CH-PPC pe 8 sau 11, azi l-am vazut pe 264 pe linia 11. :P


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Rathgeber2523

S-au terminat neoanele la Depoul Alexandria?
4002 circula cu iluminatul de siguranta


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati marian51

Astazi a reaparut 224 in linia 41.


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Rathgeber2523

marian51 wrote:
Astazi a reaparut 224 in linia 41.

:D  :)
IMG_0079.jpg (265.63 KB; downloaded 3685 times)


  • Tom
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Tom

Astazi am vazut 3 vagoane CH-PPC fara calatori. Doua erau pe la Timpuri Noi, unul din ele era in probe si unul se retragea la depou. Mai tarziu am vazut si pe 4049 cu PROBE. Oare ce mai ramanea la ora aia (10:30/13:00) din parcul metroului opresc (linia 1)???


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati 3mil

Nu duce lipsa de vagoane dep. Dudesti...


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Rathgeber2523

IMG_0642.jpg (191.99 KB; downloaded 3302 times)

IMG_0649.jpg (189.33 KB; downloaded 3299 times)


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Rathgeber2523

136 a intrat azi in 41, era dupa 4048


  • 133 313
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