Topic: Tramvaie
75 posts, 37687 views
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- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Câteva vagoane motor SGP E2 în diferite locaţii:
4008, 4011, 4016, 4027, 4028, 4031, 4034, 4074, 4078, 4083, 4317
Câteva vagoane motor SGP E2 în diferite locaţii:
4008, 4011, 4016, 4027, 4028, 4031, 4034, 4074, 4078, 4083, 4317
4008 - 41 - 17.07.2014.JPG (413.84 KB; downloaded 8126 times)
4011 - D - 20.07.2014.JPG (470.18 KB; downloaded 8128 times)
4016 - D - 19.07.2014.JPG (357.53 KB; downloaded 8131 times)
4027 - 1 - 16.06.2014.JPG (323.28 KB; downloaded 8126 times)
4028 - 1 - 16.07.2014.JPG (404.33 KB; downloaded 8127 times)
4031 - 1 - 17.07.2014.JPG (369.4 KB; downloaded 8134 times)
4034 - 1 - 17.07.2014.JPG (382.72 KB; downloaded 8126 times)
4074 - 1 - 16.06.2014.JPG (323.24 KB; downloaded 8129 times)
4078 - 1 - 20.07.2014.JPG (399.25 KB; downloaded 8130 times)
4083 - 1 - 17.07.2014.JPG (397.96 KB; downloaded 8127 times)
4317 - 1 - 20.07.2014.JPG (421.89 KB; downloaded 8126 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Remorci C5 Bombardier-Rotax ataşate vagoanelor SGP E2:
Remorci C5 Bombardier-Rotax ataşate vagoanelor SGP E2:
1402 - 38 - 19.07.2014.JPG (416.87 KB; downloaded 6797 times)
1411 - D - 20.07.2014.JPG (351.85 KB; downloaded 6796 times)
1422 - 40 - 19.07.2014.JPG (380.6 KB; downloaded 6802 times)
1427 - 1 - 20.07.2014.JPG (404.87 KB; downloaded 6795 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Interioare vagoane motor SGP E2
Interioare vagoane motor SGP E2
4034 - 1 - 17.07.2014 (1).JPG (398.6 KB; downloaded 6797 times)
4078 - 1 - 20.07.2014 (1).JPG (393.24 KB; downloaded 6797 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Remorca 1517 C5 Bombardier-Rotax, ultima fabricată pentru Viena în anul 1990:
Remorca 1517 C5 Bombardier-Rotax, ultima fabricată pentru Viena în anul 1990:
1517 - 1 - 19.07.2014.JPG (427.62 KB; downloaded 6801 times)
1517 - 1 - 19.07.2014 (1).JPG (372.76 KB; downloaded 6796 times)
1517 - 1 - 19.07.2014 (4).JPG (201.26 KB; downloaded 6797 times)
1517 - 1 - 19.07.2014 (2).JPG (243.69 KB; downloaded 6797 times)
1517 - 1 - 19.07.2014 (3).JPG (160.22 KB; downloaded 6801 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Siemens ULF A şi A1:
9, 35, 36, 42, 47, 63, 73, 74, 88, 100 şi 107 (cel mai nou vagon intrat în circulaţie până în prezent, fiind livrat însă deja şi vagonul 108).
Siemens ULF A şi A1:
9, 35, 36, 42, 47, 63, 73, 74, 88, 100 şi 107 (cel mai nou vagon intrat în circulaţie până în prezent, fiind livrat însă deja şi vagonul 108).
9 - O - 17.07.2014.JPG (423.99 KB; downloaded 6827 times)
35 şi 88 - 10 şi 44 - 19.07.2014.JPG (329.62 KB; downloaded 6802 times)
36 - 44 - 20.07.2014.JPG (447.72 KB; downloaded 6790 times)
42 - 37 - 19.07.2014.JPG (414.36 KB; downloaded 6801 times)
47 - 9 - 19.07.2014.JPG (380.88 KB; downloaded 6796 times)
63 - 52 - 17.07.2014.JPG (459.65 KB; downloaded 6789 times)
73 - 62 - 20.07.2014.JPG (375.08 KB; downloaded 6796 times)
74 - 10 - 17.07.2014.JPG (377.64 KB; downloaded 6818 times)
88 - 10 - 17.07.2014.JPG (345.65 KB; downloaded 6793 times)
100 - 10 - 19.07.2014.JPG (287.5 KB; downloaded 6794 times)
107 - 62 - 17.07.2014.JPG (330.43 KB; downloaded 6794 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Siemens ULF B:
603, 604, 608, 612, 615, 617, 620, 633, 634, 635, 637
Siemens ULF B:
603, 604, 608, 612, 615, 617, 620, 633, 634, 635, 637
603 - 1 - 19.07.2014.JPG (428.97 KB; downloaded 6760 times)
604 - 6 - 16.07.2014.JPG (315.23 KB; downloaded 6760 times)
608 - 71 - 19.07.2014.JPG (205.42 KB; downloaded 6768 times)
612 - 6 - 19.07.2014.JPG (429.85 KB; downloaded 6777 times)
615 - 1 - 20.07.2014.JPG (428.05 KB; downloaded 6761 times)
617 - 71 - 16.07.2014.JPG (390.17 KB; downloaded 6763 times)
620 - 1 - 19.07.2014.JPG (438.57 KB; downloaded 6758 times)
633 - 1 - 16.07.2014.JPG (341.9 KB; downloaded 6759 times)
634 - 6 - 16.07.2014.JPG (336.88 KB; downloaded 6764 times)
635 - 71 - 19.07.2014.JPG (430.15 KB; downloaded 6761 times)
637 - D - 20.07.2014.JPG (446.9 KB; downloaded 6758 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
639, 647, 650, 652, 653, 661, 668, 682, 684, 686, 689
639, 647, 650, 652, 653, 661, 668, 682, 684, 686, 689
639 - D - 19.07.2014.JPG (394.2 KB; downloaded 6761 times)
647 - 1 - 17.07.2014.JPG (206.96 KB; downloaded 6769 times)
650 - 6 - 16.07.2014.JPG (313.13 KB; downloaded 6762 times)
652 - 71 - 19.07.2014.JPG (391.96 KB; downloaded 6759 times)
653 - 1 - 20.07.2014.JPG (340.8 KB; downloaded 6759 times)
661 - 5 - 19.07.2014.JPG (426.23 KB; downloaded 6766 times)
668 - 2 - 20.07.2014.JPG (428.38 KB; downloaded 6758 times)
682 - 2 - 19.07.2014.JPG (276.76 KB; downloaded 6760 times)
684 - 25 - 17.07.2014.JPG (372.09 KB; downloaded 6758 times)
686 - 5 - 17.07.2014.JPG (440.97 KB; downloaded 6759 times)
689 - 2 - 19.07.2014.JPG (384.13 KB; downloaded 6762 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Siemens ULF B1:
702, 706, 711, 718, 727, 730, 737, 738, 739
Siemens ULF B1:
702, 706, 711, 718, 727, 730, 737, 738, 739
702 - 1 - 19.07.2014.JPG (302.36 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
706 - 49 - 20.07.2014.JPG (457.39 KB; downloaded 6791 times)
706 - 49 - 20.07.2014 (1).JPG (411.68 KB; downloaded 6785 times)
711 - 49 - 19.07.2014.JPG (457.1 KB; downloaded 6783 times)
718 - 60 - 17.07.2014.JPG (437.98 KB; downloaded 6785 times)
727 - 2 - 19.07.2014.JPG (405.71 KB; downloaded 6784 times)
730 - 2 - 19.07.2014.JPG (312.08 KB; downloaded 6810 times)
737 - 43 - 19.07.2014.JPG (394.85 KB; downloaded 6786 times)
738 - 40- 20.07.2014.JPG (404.51 KB; downloaded 6834 times)
739 - 38 - 19.07.2014.JPG (379.16 KB; downloaded 6780 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
741, 742, 743, 753, 759, 760, 763, 768
741, 742, 743, 753, 759, 760, 763, 768
741 - 38 - 19.07.2014.JPG (367.88 KB; downloaded 6824 times)
742 - 41 - 120.07.2014.JPG (342.06 KB; downloaded 6825 times)
743 - D - 19.07.2014.JPG (371.21 KB; downloaded 6792 times)
753 - 1 - 17.07.2014.JPG (381.69 KB; downloaded 6812 times)
759 - 1 - 19.07.2014.JPG (253.08 KB; downloaded 6794 times)
760 - 1 - 17.07.2014.JPG (530.78 KB; downloaded 6821 times)
760 - 1 - 20.07.2014.JPG (352.67 KB; downloaded 6819 times)
763 - 38 - 20.07.2014.JPG (468.88 KB; downloaded 6816 times)
768 - 38 - 17.07.2014.JPG (354.68 KB; downloaded 6817 times)
702 + 753 - 19.07.2014.JPG (272.66 KB; downloaded 6830 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Interiorul vagoanelor:
Interiorul vagoanelor:
ULF - iulie 2014.JPG (346.29 KB; downloaded 6804 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (1).JPG (326.31 KB; downloaded 6803 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (2).JPG (340.6 KB; downloaded 6800 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (3).JPG (316.64 KB; downloaded 6799 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (4).JPG (276.04 KB; downloaded 6796 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (5).JPG (315.67 KB; downloaded 6798 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (6).JPG (305.67 KB; downloaded 6800 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (7).JPG (379.22 KB; downloaded 6831 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (8).JPG (338.18 KB; downloaded 6803 times)
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
ULF - iulie 2014 (9).JPG (326.03 KB; downloaded 6800 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (10).JPG (388.67 KB; downloaded 6799 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (11).JPG (163.34 KB; downloaded 6794 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (12).JPG (387.22 KB; downloaded 6807 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (13).JPG (330.73 KB; downloaded 6795 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (14).JPG (314.77 KB; downloaded 6811 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (15).JPG (208.79 KB; downloaded 6794 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (16).JPG (349.16 KB; downloaded 6793 times)
ULF - iulie 2014 (17).JPG (290.04 KB; downloaded 6802 times)
- Robert24
Re: Viena: tramvaie
Iata brosura lor de pe site-ul Siemens (si cu date tehnice):
Iata brosura lor de pe site-ul Siemens (si cu date tehnice):
- Gabi23
Re: Viena: tramvaie
În toate tramvaiele putem găsi schema traseului pe care circulă vagonul în care ne aflăm. Acestea se pot muta în funcţie de linia pe care circulă vagonul respectiv. Iată câteva exemple:
În toate tramvaiele putem găsi schema traseului pe care circulă vagonul în care ne aflăm. Acestea se pot muta în funcţie de linia pe care circulă vagonul respectiv. Iată câteva exemple:
trasee.JPG (242.79 KB; downloaded 6745 times)
trasee (1).JPG (261.64 KB; downloaded 6751 times)
trasee (2).JPG (235.06 KB; downloaded 6755 times)
trasee (3).JPG (238.75 KB; downloaded 6755 times)
trasee (4).JPG (291.3 KB; downloaded 6753 times)
- Robert24
Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective
Si castigatorul este BOMBARDIER!
AUSTRIA: On December 1 public transport operator Wiener Linien announced that it had selected Bombardier Transportation for a €562m contract to supply up to 156 low-floor trams, which will replace its high-floor E2 tram-and-trailer sets. Wiener Linien says that it will also be signing a maintenance agreement, under which its staff will maintain the new fleet ‘on behalf of and at the risk of the manufacturer’.
A variant of the Flexity family, the 34 m long cars will be able to accommodate a total of 211 seated and standing passengers. Deliveries from Bombardier’s Wien factory are due to take place from 2018 to 2026.
‘We wanted a vehicle that is modern, comfortable and environmentally-friendly’, said WL CEO Günter Steinbauer. The new fleet would be well suited to the existing infrastructure and offer a good combination of cost and performance, he added.
Having launched the procurement process for the new cars in 2013, WL exercised a final option earlier this year for another 30 Type B ULF low-floor cars of 35⋅5m. To be delivered by Siemens in 2016, these will bring the ULF fleet to a total of 332 vehicles.
Si castigatorul este BOMBARDIER!
AUSTRIA: On December 1 public transport operator Wiener Linien announced that it had selected Bombardier Transportation for a €562m contract to supply up to 156 low-floor trams, which will replace its high-floor E2 tram-and-trailer sets. Wiener Linien says that it will also be signing a maintenance agreement, under which its staff will maintain the new fleet ‘on behalf of and at the risk of the manufacturer’.
A variant of the Flexity family, the 34 m long cars will be able to accommodate a total of 211 seated and standing passengers. Deliveries from Bombardier’s Wien factory are due to take place from 2018 to 2026.
‘We wanted a vehicle that is modern, comfortable and environmentally-friendly’, said WL CEO Günter Steinbauer. The new fleet would be well suited to the existing infrastructure and offer a good combination of cost and performance, he added.
Having launched the procurement process for the new cars in 2013, WL exercised a final option earlier this year for another 30 Type B ULF low-floor cars of 35⋅5m. To be delivered by Siemens in 2016, these will bring the ULF fleet to a total of 332 vehicles.
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