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Topic: Budapesta - troleibuze

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Budapesta - troleibuze Aron

Pe langa clasicul tramvai de Craciun, se pare ca de data asta au decis sa faca si un troleibuz de Craciun :D  (sursa:


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Robert24

Parcul activ de troleibuze la 15 iulie 2014: 138 buc

- Ikarus 280.94T - construite intre 1987-1989, echipate cu chopper Ganz - 77 buc (in intervalul 200-282)
- Ikarus 435T - construite intre 1994-1996, electronica Kiepe - 14 buc (300-312, 314)
- Ikarus 411T - construit in 2001 - 1 buc (400)
- Ikarus 412T - construite in 2002, electronica Kiepe - 15 buc (700-714)
- Ganz (Skoda) Solaris Trolino 12 - construite in 2005 si 2007 - 16 buc (601-616)
- Graf & Stift MAN NGE-152 - aduse SH din Eberswalde in 2011-2012 - 15 buc (350-364)


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Robert24

Troleibuzul unicat 411T a fost folosit initial pentru prezentare in mai multe orase, inclusiv in Bucuresti.
Iata o imagine de pe in vremea cand era in probe

Si tot de pe acelasi site, ajuns in Szeged dupa ce a plecat din Bucuresti:


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Gabi23

Ikarus 280.94 T

După ce s-a terminat cu casarea epocalelor Ziu 9, s-a început anul acesta la retragerea din circulaţie şi dezmebrarea trolebuzelor Ikarus. Astfel au fost casate oficial în martie 2014, într-un prim lot, 6 troleibuze: 202, 205, 206, 211, 232, 234.

218 fabricat în februarie 1988.

218 - 20.07.2014.jpg (310.47 KB; downloaded 5471 times)

218 - 20.07.2014 (1).jpg (337.75 KB; downloaded 5478 times)

220 fabricat în februarie 1988.

220 - 20.07.2014.jpg (347.29 KB; downloaded 5477 times)

237 fabricat în februarie 1989.

237 - 20.07.2014.jpg (403.16 KB; downloaded 5510 times)


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Gabi23

Ikarus-Kiepe 412.81

710 face parte din lotul de troleibuze fabricate în mai-iulie 2002. A avut recent reparaţie capitală ocazie cu care a primit afişaj cu leduri.

710 - 20.07.2014.jpg (345.93 KB; downloaded 5472 times)


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Gabi23

Ganz-Solaris Trolino 12A

602 - fabricat în martie 2005. Are o capacitate de 67 locuri în picioare, 28 pe scaune şi 1 loc pentru persoane cu handicap.

602 - 20.07.2014.jpg (365.48 KB; downloaded 5477 times)


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Victor92

Un troleibuz Solaris articulat a fost adus ieri la Budapesta pentru a fi omologat. Aceesta va circula fara pasageri.

Sursa poza si informatie: Magyyarbusz -

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Re: Budapesta - troleibuze punmeister

Trollino 12 IV cu autonomie pentru Budapesta:
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Re: Budapesta - troleibuze bercenicity

punmeister wrote:
Trollino 12 IV cu autonomie[...]
de 4km.


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Victor92

Cateva troleibuze de saptamana trecuta.

Ikarus 280.94T - 242 - Linia 83

Ikarus 435T - 310 - Linia 83

Solaris Trollino 12 - 8010 - Linia 78

Am vazut si cateva troleibuze articulate Solaris in partea de nord-est a orasului, dar nu am apucat sa fac o poza.


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze punmeister

Solarisul din ultima poza e din generatia a III-a :wink:


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Victor92

Am modificat. Multumesc  :applause:


Re: Budapesta - troleibuze Dragos31

Un troleibuz de la mine - 21 Iulie 2019

Solaris Trollino - 12m



Re: Budapesta - troleibuze PTMZ

BKK vrea să mai comande 48 de troleibuze Solaris-Skoda.
Traducere aproximativă a comunicatului BKK:
Modern trolleybuses can enrich the budapest fleet thanks to the fact that the Budapest Transport Centre would take advantage of the option drawdown option and order the remaining forty-eight vehicles on the basis of its contract with solaris-Škoda manufacturer. The new articulated and solo trolleybuses can increase the comfort of budapest travellers with their services that meet the expectations of the age.

New trolleybuses can be added to the fleet of vehicles in budapest: on 30 November last year, the Budapest Transport Centre (BKK) amended its agreement with the Solaris-Škoda consortium, and its Board of Directors decided to approve the drawdown of option vehicles. On the proposal of Mayor Gergely Karácsony, the Decision on the provision of the funds must be taken by the Metropolitan Assembly on Wednesday, 27 October. The metropolitan transport operator would order a total of forty-eight Solaris-Škoda Trollino trolleybuses, with 12 solo and 36 articulated vehicles planned. The first piece of the modern trolleybuses is expected to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2022.

The Metropolitan Municipality and the BKK are committed to implementing the developments, despite the fact that due to the coronavirus epidemic and government decisions, it has extremely scarce resources at its disposal. The forty-eight trolleybuses cost a total of around EUR 26.7 million, which would be covered by the Metropolitan Municipality.

It would be a significant saving if BKK took advantage of the option in the contract, as the new trolleybuses could be placed in Budapest at a price of almost 2014. This is also due to the fact that on 14 November 2014 the transport operator concluded a favourable agreement with solaris-Škoda. Due to the sharp increase in raw materials, production costs, energy prices, logistics and labour, vehicles are expected to be purchased at a price one and a half to two times higher in a new procurement procedure and would not be able to enter into service much later.
"The Metropolitan Municipality cannot wait for a change of government, because the city has to work," Mayor Gergely Karácsony began his speech at a press event on Friday to announce the decision. – The only way to ensure the operation of public transport in Budapest is to continuously improve the fleet. That is why we would like to purchase the new low-floor trolleybuses, and for this we ask for the support of the Metropolitan Assembly."

BKK's chief executive, Dr. Katalin Walter, said: "I am delighted that new and modern vehicles will be added to the capital's fleet, and thanks to the forty-eight new trolleybuses, only low-floor vehicles will normally run on the current network in the capital. The great advantage of trolleybuses compared to electric buses is that they charge on the fly thanks to the overhead contact line, so they need fewer batteries to ensure self-driving, they are lighter than an all-electric bus, therefore they are less burdensome on the road network. It is also important to point out that a trolleybus is currently even cheaper than a conventional electric bus."

In the autumn, two new articulated troli will be added to the fleet
Currently, a total of fifty-eight Solaris-Škoda Trollino trolleybuses carry passengers in the capital, of which twenty-eight are articulated Trollino 18s. The vehicles of the Polish-Czech manufacturer increase the comfort of budapest passengers with their services that meet the requirements of the age – air conditioning, accessibility, on-board cameras, audiovisual passenger information – and can travel at least four kilometers in self-driving mode.

This autumn, two new Trollino 18 trolleybuses will be added to the budapest fleet, the modern articulated trolleybuses have arrived in Budapest, and the vehicles will already appear on budapest roads during the test runs. The technical design of the new vehicles is the same as that of the fourth-generation Trollino 18s in circulation, but their front wall changed at the time of the latest model upgrade. The two new trolleybuses were financed on the basis of a settlement agreement between the Solaris-Škoda consortium and BKK.

Sursa: BKK


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