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Topic: Locomotive clasa 400 (ex 40) (Electroputere Craiova România)

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Re: Locomotive seria 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) TonyGFR

Mini-sedinta foto cu EA 709 in Predeal

IMG_3393.jpg (484.3 KB; downloaded 3770 times)

IMG_3362.jpg (445.36 KB; downloaded 3783 times)

IMG_3387.jpg (562.73 KB; downloaded 3771 times)

IMG_3367.jpg (446.93 KB; downloaded 3770 times)

IMG_3355.jpg (463.84 KB; downloaded 3770 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) ANDU2100HP

Unu bun , altu rau .... cu EA-678 de la CTV


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Deci genial, poza anului la saluturi !

P.S. Ca sa fie si o info in mesaj, in aceeasi schema a iesit si EA 725 dupa RR.


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim


647.JPG (452.67 KB; downloaded 3663 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

EA 752 a depoului Brasov a intrat la RR la SCRL Brasov. A fost inchiriata mult timp la DB, apoi mare parte din anul 2013 a fost titulara la R3001/8.

01.08.2013.JPG (441.3 KB; downloaded 3642 times)

20.09.2013.JPG (544.11 KB; downloaded 3641 times)

24.08.2012.JPG (526.18 KB; downloaded 3642 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

EA 656, acum a avut RR si este la BZK Bulgaria.

Cateva poze cu aceasta in 2012 cand lucra la GFR.

40-0656-5 01.05.2012.JPG (646.7 KB; downloaded 3556 times)

40-0656-5 01.06.2012 (1).JPG (617.19 KB; downloaded 3552 times)

40-0656-5 01.06.2012 (2).JPG (560.17 KB; downloaded 3554 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) razvan22

EA 754 cu R Orsova-Timisoara

40-0754-8 by artinescu.razvan, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) ANDU2100HP

EA 40-0317-4 a dep Targu Muses in Chitila cu naveta pentru Targoviste cu ingrasaminte chimice .


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Alex Avram

O serie de clasa 40:

40-0002-2 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

40-0052-7 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

40-0341-4 by Alex Avram, on Flickr
843 spre depoul UNIFERTRANS

40-0843-9 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

Fotografie0640 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

40-0048-5 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

40-0238-2 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

40-0334-9 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

40-0791-0 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

40-0918-9 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

EA 918 by Alex Avram, on Flickr


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

EA 316 ex Servtrans, acum este la TRC (Tim Rail Cargo). Servtrans probabil o sa mai vanda din masini ca au ramas cu foarte putine trenuri.

40-0316-6 23.08.2011.jpg (521.4 KB; downloaded 3278 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) stakee

In asteptarea sezonierului pt Satu Mare. 2014 iulie 08 Constanta

40-0334-9 by stakee_gaby, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) stefan_br

EA 914 cu un marfar catre Independenta.


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) stakee

CFR Marfa este acum ucrainian? :lol: Cei drept ultimele masini facute la Palas cel putin autocolantu ala zici ca e din hartie igienica facut


Re: Locomotive clasa 40 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) razvan22

EA 781 a depoului Ploiesti cu Regio Orsova-Filiasi.

40-0781-1 by artinescu.razvan, on Flickr


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