Transportul feroviar în RomâniaPrezentări și discuții - material rulantLocomotive electrice


Topic: Locomotive clasa 450 (ex 45 - Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic)

447 posts, 197996 views
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Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Alex Avram

336 spre Tandarei & 322 la OBOR (8033 si 8018)

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Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Andrei Irimescu

379 cu trenul de la Gara de Nord


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) stakee

Constanta, 29 aprilie 2014

EA 336 by stakee_gaby, on Flickr

EA 336 by stakee_gaby, on Flickr

EA 336 by stakee_gaby, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) MariusCFRBucuresti

348 cu Express-ul de Obor/Fetesti.

45-0348-8 ~ Bucuresti Nord by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive clasa 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Robert24

348 in Constanta cu acelasi ICE de Obor, insa de data asta cu vagoane super-moderne...  :popa:
45-0348-8_CT_09aug14.jpg (360.34 KB; downloaded 4581 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) ANDU2100HP

EA1-328 cu un IR la Buftea , 12-12-2014


Re: Locomotive clasa 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Andrei388


In Bucuresti Nord:

45-0379-3.jpg (176.03 KB; downloaded 4558 times)


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