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Topic: Locomotive clasa 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucuresti)

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  • Dr2005
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest Dr2005

Constantin Grup, 86-0044-7, acum câteva ore în Bucureşti Progresu:

86-0044-7-Buc.Progresu-2012-05-01 by, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest Gabi23

LDh 45-068 si DHA 0017 sunt ale Atelierelor CFR Grivita, nu au treaba cu GRIRO.


Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest didi

068 scuze am gresit eu.Eu stiu ca sunt in aceasi curte. Stiu sigur ca GRIRO are LDH 25 u acela si pe LDH 45  133.


Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest Gabi23

86-0068-2 apartinand SC Atelierele CFR Grivita SA. Locomotiva este functionala si face marea majoritate a manevrelor de vagoane.

86-0065-2 - Bucuresti - 2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

86-0065-2 - Bucuresti - 2012 (1) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

86-0084-3 apartinand SC Atelierele CFR Grivita SA. Locomotiva este functionala, dar folosita mai rar decat "surata" sa.

86-0084-3 - Bucuresti - 2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

86-0084-3 - Bucuresti - 2012 (1) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

86-0133-8 apartinand SC GRIRO SA. Locomotiva este functionala si face toate manevrele din fabrica.

86-0133-8 - Bucuresti - 2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

86-0133-8 - Bucuresti - 2012 (2) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

86-0133-8 - Bucuresti - 2012 (1) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest ByOnu

Cea mai veche postata pana acum, batranul agent 007 ... iesit de mult la pensie. :|

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Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest AlexCta

Inelul de testari de la Faurei


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest Utilizator anonim


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Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest Andrei Irimescu

LDH 45-352 si LDH 45-283 in curtea Salrom Slanic Prahova  :)


Re: Locomotive seria 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest R936

080, cumparat de TFG si vopsit in schema acestora, venit de la Cluj alaturi de DA 1664.
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Re: Locomotive clasa 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest Elful

Arad, traversa Calea Aurel Vlaicu si intra cu vagonul ala intr-o uzina.
Cam aici ar fi locatia:


Re: Locomotive clasa 86 (LDH45) ("23 August" - FAUR Bucurest R936

DHA-122 a operatorului RFO-RGT, după ce a manevrat rama RIO 09
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