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Topic: Tatra T4R

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Re: Tatra T4R Gabi23

3334+3385, 3367+3335, 3386+3387, 3405, 3303, 3411+3412 in Piata Danny Huwe

3334 - 25 - 06.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

3367 - 25 - 06.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

3386 - 25 - 06.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

3405 - 25 - 06.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

3411 - 25 - 06.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


Re: Tatra T4R Axel

06.07.2012. 8-)

Cuplul 3419+3410 pe linia 25 sosind in statia '' Caporal Raducanu Cristea ''


Cuplul 3350+3349 pe linia 25 parasind terminalul '' C.F.R. Progresul ''.


Cuplul 3382+3383 pe linia 25 in terminalul '' C.F.R. Progresul ''.

3382+3383=25,06.07.2012 by axel4955, on Flickr

Vagonul ''remorca'' 3383-25,06.07.2012 by axel4955, on Flickr

3382+3383-Vedere spate-25,06.07.2012 by axel4955, on Flickr


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Tatra T4R Utilizator anonim


DSC_5061.JPG (418.93 KB; downloaded 2792 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Gabi23

3393 nu mai are de minim o luna fostele boghiuri ale lui 3001, la alea fiind uzate bandajele. Acum are unele pe care au fost candva ale lui 3311.

3393 - 47 - 17.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


3421 - 35 - 17.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


Re: Tatra T4R Der Hofmeister

Cuplul 3302+3301 blocat pe Calea Rahovei în linia 8

3302+3301 - 8.png (756.9 KB; downloaded 2706 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Gabi23

3307 (DEFECT) si 3308 sub Pasajul Basarab

3307 si 3308 - 35 - 31.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr
3309, 3389, 3415 sosind de la Depoul Victoria, unde au ajuns datorita defectarii lui 3307.

3309 - 35 - 31.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

3389 - 35 - 31.07.2012 (1) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

3415 - 35 - 31.07.2012 (1) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

3324 mergand la Depoul Victoria pentru aprovizionare

3324 - PROBE - 31.07.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


Re: Tatra T4R ikarus13

3321 la Piata Unirii.

3321 pe linia 47 - 1 august 2012- by ikarus260, on Flickr


Re: Tatra T4R MelkCool

3421 la Gara Basarab, in linia 35
IMG_1628.jpg (113.89 KB; downloaded 3098 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Tatra T4R Utilizator anonim


DSC_6257.JPG (292.53 KB; downloaded 3107 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Tatra T4R Utilizator anonim

3361+3381 si 3386+3387.

DSC_6864.JPG (331.71 KB; downloaded 3019 times)

DSC_6868.JPG (271.66 KB; downloaded 3021 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Tatra T4R Utilizator anonim

Mai spre seara  :ugeek:

DSC_6914.JPG (319.35 KB; downloaded 2966 times)

DSC_6937.JPG (306.31 KB; downloaded 2962 times)

DSC_6974.JPG (314.11 KB; downloaded 2963 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Gabi23


3419 - 8 - 13.08.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Tatra T4R Utilizator anonim

Si de la mine cateva

DSC_7628.JPG (286.94 KB; downloaded 2876 times)

DSC_7668.JPG (239.48 KB; downloaded 2841 times)

DSC_7670.JPG (246.61 KB; downloaded 2833 times)

DSC_7672.JPG (244.58 KB; downloaded 2831 times)


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