Topic: Mercedes-Benz Citaro Euro 3
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- survola
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 3
Ieri, 2 martie, la nr. de parc 4143: sistem de răcire suplimentar?

by survola, on Flickr

by survola, on Flickr
Ieri, 2 martie, la nr. de parc 4143: sistem de răcire suplimentar?

by survola, on Flickr

by survola, on Flickr
- DAF SB220
- crististeaua1312
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 3
La alexandria s-a gasit solutia ptr inlocuirea acelor capace . S-a luat tabla de la rocaruri .
La alexandria s-a gasit solutia ptr inlocuirea acelor capace . S-a luat tabla de la rocaruri .
- Gabi23
- Gabi23
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 3
#4325 de aproape 9 ani circulă în permanență, fără incidente majore, pe liniile Autobazei Ferentari.
#4325 de aproape 9 ani circulă în permanență, fără incidente majore, pe liniile Autobazei Ferentari.
Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir
4325 - 116 - 31.03.2015.JPG (133.98 KB; downloaded 4826 times)
- uwe_w2604
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 4
Hello from germany,
I hope it is allright to write in english. I need help of somebody at Bukarest: Im 49 years old german busfan and I collect chassis-numbers of Mercedes buses around the world.
Now i found the 1000 Mercedes Citaro at Bukarest and at the russian forum I also found a list with all chassis / Vin-numbers of the RATB Citaros. Here is the link:
And now the question: There must be a mistake about the numbers of the RATB Citaros 4400 - 4446: The chassis numbers 3100584 till 3100630 are already exist in germany and these numbers are not build in 2006; these numbers belong to 2002 Citaros.
Can somebody have a look to the correct numbers?? I will be happy to hear of somebody.
Thanks from germany - Uwe -
Hello from germany,
I hope it is allright to write in english. I need help of somebody at Bukarest: Im 49 years old german busfan and I collect chassis-numbers of Mercedes buses around the world.
Now i found the 1000 Mercedes Citaro at Bukarest and at the russian forum I also found a list with all chassis / Vin-numbers of the RATB Citaros. Here is the link:
And now the question: There must be a mistake about the numbers of the RATB Citaros 4400 - 4446: The chassis numbers 3100584 till 3100630 are already exist in germany and these numbers are not build in 2006; these numbers belong to 2002 Citaros.
Can somebody have a look to the correct numbers?? I will be happy to hear of somebody.
Thanks from germany - Uwe -
- Costin
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 4
How is it even possible for a Russian website to have acces to such information, like chassis numbers?! Are you 100% sure that the site has reliable information?
How is it even possible for a Russian website to have acces to such information, like chassis numbers?! Are you 100% sure that the site has reliable information?
- uwe_w2604
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 4
I don´t know, if the informations are reliable, because I also don´t know, who hat notified these VINs.
But there are a lot of people from europe, who filled the lists with data, not only russian people.
Maybe the VINs are correct (except 4400 till 4466 - for this numbers I have german citaros).
Can anybody check some VINS or maybe: Does anybody in Bukarest have these informations??
Greetings - Uwe -
I´m sorry for my bad english.
I don´t know, if the informations are reliable, because I also don´t know, who hat notified these VINs.
But there are a lot of people from europe, who filled the lists with data, not only russian people.
Maybe the VINs are correct (except 4400 till 4466 - for this numbers I have german citaros).
Can anybody check some VINS or maybe: Does anybody in Bukarest have these informations??
Greetings - Uwe -
I´m sorry for my bad english.
- Gabi23
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 4
Hello Uwe,
#4400 - 62805013100584 - 01.06.2006
#4413 - 62805013100597 - 20.07.2006
#4414 - 62805013100598 - 04.07.2006
#4415 - 62805013100599 - 07.08.2006
#4416 - 62805013100600 - 01.08.2006
#4419 - 62805013100603 - 07.08.2006
#4421 - 62805013100605 - 18.07.2006
#4422 - 62805013100606 - 09.08.2006
#4423 - 62805013100607 - 11.09.2006
#4424 - 62805013100608 - 27.07.2006
#4425 - 62805013100609 - 08.08.2006
#4426 - 62805013100610 - 04.08.2006
#4427 - 62805013100611 - 10.08.2006
#4429 - 62805013100613 - 10.08.2006
#4430 - 62805013100614 - 07.08.2006
#4431 - 62805013100615 - 25.08.2006
#4433 - 62805013100617 - 10.08.2006
#4434 - 62805013100618 - 23.08.2006
#4435 - 62805013100619 - 08.08.2006
#4436 - 62805013100620 - 16.08.2006
#4437 - 62805013100621 - 10.08.2006
#4439 - 62805013100623 - 18.08.2006
#4440 - 62805013100624 - 05.09.2006
#4441 - 62805013100625 - 25.08.2006
#4442 - 62805013100626 - 28.08.2006
#4443 - 62805013100627 - 29.08.2006
#4400 VIN:
Hello Uwe,
#4400 - 62805013100584 - 01.06.2006
#4413 - 62805013100597 - 20.07.2006
#4414 - 62805013100598 - 04.07.2006
#4415 - 62805013100599 - 07.08.2006
#4416 - 62805013100600 - 01.08.2006
#4419 - 62805013100603 - 07.08.2006
#4421 - 62805013100605 - 18.07.2006
#4422 - 62805013100606 - 09.08.2006
#4423 - 62805013100607 - 11.09.2006
#4424 - 62805013100608 - 27.07.2006
#4425 - 62805013100609 - 08.08.2006
#4426 - 62805013100610 - 04.08.2006
#4427 - 62805013100611 - 10.08.2006
#4429 - 62805013100613 - 10.08.2006
#4430 - 62805013100614 - 07.08.2006
#4431 - 62805013100615 - 25.08.2006
#4433 - 62805013100617 - 10.08.2006
#4434 - 62805013100618 - 23.08.2006
#4435 - 62805013100619 - 08.08.2006
#4436 - 62805013100620 - 16.08.2006
#4437 - 62805013100621 - 10.08.2006
#4439 - 62805013100623 - 18.08.2006
#4440 - 62805013100624 - 05.09.2006
#4441 - 62805013100625 - 25.08.2006
#4442 - 62805013100626 - 28.08.2006
#4443 - 62805013100627 - 29.08.2006
#4400 VIN:
#4400 VIN.jpg (730.98 KB; downloaded 4874 times)
- uwe_w2604
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 4
Thanks for the VIN-Numbers. It seems, that the russian list with the VIN numbers of RATB Citaros is correct.
Now I have the problem, that about 20 VIN-Numbers are also operating in germany as Citaro, Citaro Ü and Citaro G. And that the VIN numbers 31005xx and 31006xx are built in 2001/2002.
But the picture of the VIN-Plate shows the correct number.
What a big Problem !!!
Thanks for the VIN-Numbers. It seems, that the russian list with the VIN numbers of RATB Citaros is correct.
Now I have the problem, that about 20 VIN-Numbers are also operating in germany as Citaro, Citaro Ü and Citaro G. And that the VIN numbers 31005xx and 31006xx are built in 2001/2002.
But the picture of the VIN-Plate shows the correct number.
What a big Problem !!!
- uwe_w2604
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 3
Hi again,
another question: When starts the service of the buses 4400 - 4446 in Bukarest? And are these buses new ones or maybe they are bought as used buses from germany???
Greetings - Uwe -
Hi again,
another question: When starts the service of the buses 4400 - 4446 in Bukarest? And are these buses new ones or maybe they are bought as used buses from germany???
Greetings - Uwe -
- Costin
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 3
All 1000 Citaro buses were new ones. I estimate that the 44xx buses started service somewhere at the beginning of 2007...
All 1000 Citaro buses were new ones. I estimate that the 44xx buses started service somewhere at the beginning of 2007...
- uwe_w2604
Re: Mercedes Citaro Euro 3
OK-thank you. Then I need your help: If it´s possible, please make a check and control the VIN-Numbers of a few of the Citaros 4399 - 4446.
That would help me.
Greetings - Uwe -
OK-thank you. Then I need your help: If it´s possible, please make a check and control the VIN-Numbers of a few of the Citaros 4399 - 4446.
That would help me.
Greetings - Uwe -
- Victor92
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