Zona metropolitană BucureștiParcul de vehicule al operatorilor din București și IlfovTramvaie STB


Topic: V3A-93

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Re: V3A-93 Axel

127 pe Sos.Progresului.

127-1,16.08.2012 by axel4955, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 Axel

Vagoanele 052 si 053. :)
052-21,18.08.2012.jpg (108.19 KB; downloaded 3567 times)
053-16,18.08.2012.jpg (105.24 KB; downloaded 3567 times)


Re: V3A-93 SprinterXP

319 pe Calea Dudesti

319 - 23 - 22.08.2012 (800x600) by SprinterXP, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 ikarus13

177 pe linia 55.

177 pe linia 55 - 23 august 2012- by ikarus260, on Flickr


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim

254 si 346

DSC_0305.JPG (287.02 KB; downloaded 3349 times)

DSC_0319.JPG (275.68 KB; downloaded 3347 times)


Re: V3A-93 3mil

Dupa o lunga perioada de absenta, l-am vazut in traseu vineri, 31 august pe #350 al Dep. Colentina pe linia 21.


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23

Pai 350 nu cred ca a apucat sa circule dupa reparatia caroseriei si revopsirea totala din luna martie 2012...


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23

220 este unul dintre cele mai bune vagoane ale Dep. Giurgiului. A ramas la fel de fiabil si dupa RK, precum era si inainte  :P.

220 - 11 - 01.09.2012 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

#100, #222, #272, #303, #310, #331 in Depou

#100.jpg (76.97 KB; downloaded 3191 times)

#222.jpg.jpeg (55.48 KB; downloaded 3183 times)

#272.jpg.jpeg (63.4 KB; downloaded 3230 times)

#303.JPG.jpeg (69.61 KB; downloaded 3186 times)

#310.jpg.jpeg (53.17 KB; downloaded 3185 times)

#331.jpg.jpeg (53.93 KB; downloaded 3184 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

macheta218 wrote:
:shock: 113 a circulat duminica in linia 46 inlocuind vagonul 356 care a avut ceva probleme tehnice.

@Macheta218, tin sa te contrazic, #113 a fost in 46, deoarece il inlocuia pe #358, care a avut probleme la Boghiul 1 cu defranarea, de mentionat ca manipulantul era de Titan
#13.jpg (46.07 KB; downloaded 3111 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

#319 in linia...41 :D  :lol:  :lol: :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
#319.jpg (51.36 KB; downloaded 2878 times)


Re: V3A-93 Axel

026 dupa RK. 8-)
026-4,05.09.2012.jpg (77.51 KB; downloaded 2786 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

Axel wrote:
026 dupa RK. 8-)

Image00001 (Large).jpg (103.8 KB; downloaded 3712 times)

Image00003 (Large).jpg (122.42 KB; downloaded 3711 times)

Image00002 (Large).jpg (120.44 KB; downloaded 3711 times)

#331 la Piata Delfinului
Image00012 (Large).jpg (115.44 KB; downloaded 3710 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

#333 la 13 Septembrie
Picture 023 (Large).jpg (134.13 KB; downloaded 3679 times)


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