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Topic: Locomotive clasa 410 (ex 41) (Electroputere Craiova România)

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  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

0303 si 0001.

IMG_1388.JPG (292.71 KB; downloaded 7735 times)

IMG_1393.JPG (261.13 KB; downloaded 7734 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

093 si 892

41-0093-9 - Bucuresti Nord - 19.06.2011.JPG (548.35 KB; downloaded 7768 times)

41-0892-1 - Bucuresti Nord - 19.06.2011.JPG (572.61 KB; downloaded 7764 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

564, 055, 809, 304

IMG_1453.JPG (416.54 KB; downloaded 8076 times)

IMG_1459.JPG (337.07 KB; downloaded 8077 times)

IMG_1476.JPG (402.88 KB; downloaded 8077 times)

IMG_1483.JPG (398.03 KB; downloaded 8076 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

731, 329, 892, 294

IMG_1523.JPG (292.09 KB; downloaded 8112 times)

IMG_1540.JPG (299.05 KB; downloaded 8111 times)

IMG_1628.JPG (488.98 KB; downloaded 8110 times)

IMG_1630.JPG (442.91 KB; downloaded 8110 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim


IMG_1610.JPG (462.47 KB; downloaded 8092 times)

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IMG_1623.JPG (488.13 KB; downloaded 8094 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

41-0387-5 mai retro  8-)

41-0387-5.JPG (439.78 KB; downloaded 8019 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

823, 160 si 305. De asemenea 588 a fost reparata dupa accidentul de acum cateva zile.

IMG_1648.JPG (393.07 KB; downloaded 7997 times)

IMG_1677.JPG (411.39 KB; downloaded 7997 times)

IMG_1754.JPG (488.88 KB; downloaded 7997 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

41-0121-8 este in teste dupa RRul de care a avut parte la Softronic Craiova. In maxim o saptamana o vedem in circulatie constant.

IMG_2263.JPG (295.24 KB; downloaded 6108 times)

IMG_2265.JPG (276.15 KB; downloaded 6105 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

41-0387-5 a Depoului Brasov, sosita in Bucuresti cu R826

41-0387-5 - Bucuresti Nord - 24.06.2011 (6).JPG (604.81 KB; downloaded 6098 times)

41-0387-5 - Bucuresti Nord - 24.06.2011 (12).JPG (606.74 KB; downloaded 6098 times)

41-0387-5 - Bucuresti Nord - 24.06.2011 (11).JPG (468.02 KB; downloaded 6099 times)

41-0387-5 - Bucuresti Nord - 24.06.2011 (9).JPG (431.66 KB; downloaded 6099 times)

41-0387-5 - Bucuresti Nord - 24.06.2011 (8).JPG (552.26 KB; downloaded 6103 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Der Hofmeister

E bine ca au inceput sa vina la Bucuresti, in mod sustinut, locomotivele clasice de Brasov, altadata port-stindarde ale depoului. EA1-387 nu a avut o viata prea buna in ultima perioada, fiind de serviciu in principal pe personale de Tg. Mures. Ma bucura sa vad ca a fost spalata si ingrijita si astept cu interes sa revina la Bucuresti si tricolora 40-0334-9, 40-0512-0 si 40-0540-1, care, in prezent, isi fac veacul pe personalele de Teius si Sf. Gheorghe.

O fotografie cu 41-0387-5 de anul trecut, plecand din gara Brasov cu P 4011 intr-o zi ploioasa de septembrie:

41-0387-5 - 20.09.2010.jpg (209.65 KB; downloaded 6105 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

41-0121-8 s-a intors astazi definitiv la Depoul Bucuresti Calatori, dupa RR-ul efectuat la Softronic Craiova. A sosit bineinteles cu A1724 Targu Jiu - Bucuresti Nord.

41-0121-8 - Bucuresti Nord - 30.06.2011.JPG (591.85 KB; downloaded 6036 times)

41-0121-8 - Bucuresti Nord - 30.06.2011 (2).JPG (591.97 KB; downloaded 6035 times)

41-0121-8 - Bucuresti Nord - 30.06.2011 (12).JPG (487.42 KB; downloaded 6037 times)

41-0121-8 - Bucuresti Nord - 30.06.2011 (13).JPG (3.93 MB; downloaded 6044 times)

41-0121-8 - Bucuresti Nord - 30.06.2011 (14).jpg (685.27 KB; downloaded 6035 times)

41-0121-8 - Bucuresti Nord - 30.06.2011 (15).JPG (625.63 KB; downloaded 6034 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23


41-0823-9 - Bucuresti Nord - 01.07.2011.JPG (671.97 KB; downloaded 5996 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

41-0001-2 pregatita sa plece la Timisoara

41-0001-2 - Bucuresti Nord - 01.07.2011 (1).JPG (514.65 KB; downloaded 5989 times)

41-0122-6 retragandu-se spre depou dupa ce a adus un rapid de la Constanta

41-0122-6 - Bucuresti Nord - 01.07.2011.JPG (579.46 KB; downloaded 5990 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) stefan_br

310-le in Braila cu P8213 Constanta-Galati.



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