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Re: Omsi 2- The Bus Simulator ikarus13

Am început să joc OMSI 2 și sincer să fiu am rămas destul de dezamăgit. :cry:   Grafica a rămas aceeași chiar dacă se puteau face niște modificări, nu îmi plac sunetele autobuzelor mai ales a celui articulat( la el se aude un scârtâit foarte enervant) . Unele chestii sunt noi și proaste poate reușesc să le schimb din opțiuni de exemplu când vreau să mă uit în stânga sau în dreapta , imaginea se schimbă prea brutal, e un simulator de autobuze nu de formula 1. Ca să nu mai zic că am încercat să fac un accident și nu a mers, am trecut pur și simplu prin mașina din fața mea fără să se observe... :oops:  Dacă s-ar face un concurs între OMSI 1 și OMSI 2 după părerea mea OMSI 1 e mult superior. Aștept totuși un update al jocului cum a apărut și la OMSI 1 poate au modificat și ei ceva.
Singura parte bună este că acest autobuz articulat se conduce foarte ușor nici nu se observă în trafic că e mai lung.


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Razvan Mihai

omsi 2 e plin de buguri foarte instabil, producatori promit un update 014 curand, in prezent doar 008 care e  minuscul


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator AlexCitelis5399

Mare parte din bugurile OMSI-ului 2 pot fi rezolvate,dar cea mai mare problema cel putin in cazul meu este ca pe mapa Spandau nu reusesc nici macar sa fac o semicursa ca jocul da eroare,problema FPS-urilor nici ea nu a fost rezolvata,dupa cum ati spus sa speram ca urmeaza un update.


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Razvan Mihai

si cateva stiri OMSI 2 - Patch: News from the development

in this thread, we'd like to share some information on our current operations for the upcoming patch. It seems that our communication over the last weeks has led to some obscurity and inconvenience among several users, so we'd like to reach out our hands to involve you once again in our development.

This thread will be complemented and updated regularly. Furthermore, the bugfixes included in the next patch are listed here.

New entries written in blue. Last update: 2014/01/21

Problems we are currently working on:

- E/A error during keyboard and game controller cunfiguration
- AI buses caught in infinite loop, e. g. in Ruhleben
- Unlighted objects at night-time
- Wrong line displays on night and service runs
- Invalid AI paths at several Locations
- Floating pedestrians
- Jerky/missing pedestrian animation

Finished solutions, probably ready to be included in the next patch:

- Missing new assignments added to the default key mapping
- Ever changing pop up of distant tiles removed
- Terrain collision ("invisible wall") in Falkensee removed (corrected algorithm when creating the collision mesh)
- Driveable route 92 from 30.09.1990
- Focus can be changed from a driving AI bus
- Rear part of the NG272 will be placed correctly when loading a situation
- Formatting of the main menu independent from Windows zoom setting
- Correct formatting in the options menu
- Web texture loading procedure intercepted when there is no internet connection
- Minor debugging on the Spandau map
- Upper front windows on the SD200 in their right place
- New: Progress bar when loading maps and situations

Despite their low priority, we also fix minor bugs at this time because it can simply be done by the way. Furthermore, in the face of major bugfixes, it is often essential to clear up the smaller constraints first to avoid stability issues due to fiddling around with minor stuff after a major bug has already been fixed.



Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Razvan Mihai

ok a fost updatat jocul

in this thread, we'd like to share some information on our current operations for the upcoming patch. It seems that our communication over the last weeks has led to some obscurity and inconvenience among several users, so we'd like to reach out our hands to involve you once again in our development.

This thread will be complemented and updated regularly. Furthermore, the bugfixes included in the next patch are listed here.

New entries written in blue. Last update: 2014/01/24

Problems we are currently working on:

- E/A error during keyboard and game controller cunfiguration
- Freezing user bus motion and loss of view control
- Range check error when passenger places money on the cash desk

Finished solutions, probably ready to be included in the next patch:


Fixed in Patch 2.00.016:

* Status Bar while loading
* Smoother simulation process with processors with only one or two cores
* Bug fix: File transit.zug again like in OMSI 1 (Compatibility old OMSI1 cards)
* Bug fix: Fixed occasional bus stop passings
* Bug fix: Hit and run warning reincluded
* Bug fix: [ Vienna addon ] trams do not blink at bus stops
* Bug fix: [ Vienna addon ] trams blink again in curves
* Bug fix: AI Buses see AI trams and AI bus trailers again
* Bug fix: AI articulated trailer is no longer floating
* Bug fix: Gratuitous Invalid schedule data messages removed
* Bug fix: Invalid "Ungültige Fahrplandaten" messages in logfile removed
* Bug fix: Fixed a polygon bug in the swimming pool object
* Bug fix: NG and NL show N30 correctly, not N930 anymore
* Bug fix: Removed invisible wall in Falkensee
* Bug fix: Reset hot key table without missing keys
* Bug fix (Editor): New tiles adding possible without errors
* Bug fix (Editor): Contains template map for creating your own maps again
* Logfile includes date and time of the situation and OMSI version number ( for debugging )
* AI buses cannot "materialize" near the user bus; so some strange situations with this effect should not occur anymore
* The schedule print will show now the arriving time of the last bus stop, not the departure time
* Bug fix: Lines on depot do not flicker anymore
* Bug fix: Distant tiles do not "flash" anymore
* Bug fix: Situation load: Trailer will be placed properly
* Bug fix: Passenger and pedastrian animation smooth again
* Bug fix: Windows zoom will not lead to problems with start dialogue
* Bug fix: At night, objects are correctly lighted
* Bug fix: No hovering pedastrians anymore
* Bug fix: "N34" instead of "34N" since 1991
* Bug fix: "Glienicke" on N34 even since 1994
* Bug fix: 92 schedule is selectable even since 30.9.1990
* Bug fix: Bus stop Rathaus, line 5 direction Ruhleben has entering passengers again
* Bug fix: Error on user interface (options dialogue) removed
* Bug fix: In case of no internet connection, OMSI will start faster
* Bug fix: No old line numbers on service trips after 1991 anymore
* Bug fix: Removed third rail ramp from station hall Ruhleben
* Bug fix: Added missing open wire pole
* Bug fix: Even at lowest options, the stations in the area Spektefeld will show again
* Bug fix (Editor): Dummy schedule is not neccessary anymore

For debugging the following errors, we add some new logfile entries. If OMSI shows one of these errors
again, please send us the logfile.txt to!

* "E/A-Fehler" while configurating keyboard or game controller
* Crash while ticket bought ("Bereichsfehler")
Despite their low priority, we also fix minor bugs at this time because it can simply be done by the way. Furthermore, in the face of major bugfixes, it is often essential to clear up the smaller constraints first to avoid stability issues due to fiddling around with minor stuff after a major bug has already been fixed.



Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Rathgeber2523

Stie cineva de unde pot lua un ikarus cu cabina, cutie automata si cabina?


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Razvan Mihai

incearca pe forumul oficial; gasesti acolo ce vrei


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Rathgeber2523

Razvan Mihai wrote:
incearca pe forumul oficial; gasesti acolo ce vrei

Multumesc de raspuns :)


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator DAF SB220

Din OMSI... Un Ikarus 260 foarte asemanator celor avute de RATB.

Omsi 2015-01-15 12-57-48-62 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

Si un model din primele aparute...

Omsi 2015-01-14 23-10-03-59 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Adrian.B

Ikarus 280.02  :P
IMG_0248[1].JPG (115.99 KB; downloaded 7189 times)


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator darius 23

Imi puteti spune va rog cum pot edita ce sa apara la afisajul autobuzelor?


Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator Adrian.B

Primul pas este sa intri in Folderul unde este instalat Omsi apoi Vehicles -> Man SD 200/202 / NL/NG -> grundorf.hof / spandau.hof, etc. si le deschizi cu notepad..

Cauta de exemlplu Betriebsfahrt:

13  <-  Cod pentru tabela
Betriebsfahrt  <- Pentru schimbarea tabelei din bara de start (alt)
BETRIEBSFAHRT  <- Pentru monitorul tabelei
                         <- Pentru tabela - primul rand
BETRIEBSFAHRT <- Pentru tabela - al doilea rand
BETRIEBSFAHRT <- Pentru tabela laterala |man sd 200|
Betriebsfahrt.tga  <- Pentru cele rollband, Betriebsfahrt.tga se gaseste in Vehicles-> Anzeigen



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Re: Omsi- The Bus Simulator darius 23

Se poate adauga o noua schema de culoare proprie, fara a modifica pe cele existente in prezent? Adica vreau sa ramana si cele existente in prezent, dar si noile scheme de culoare.


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