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Topic: Locomotive clasa 410 (ex 41) (Electroputere Craiova România)

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Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Robert24

41-0464-2 in Ilva Mica si 41-0761-1 in Focsani
41-0464-2 Ilva Mica 050713.jpg (249.5 KB; downloaded 2787 times)
41-0761-1 Focsani 060713.jpg (232.72 KB; downloaded 2727 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Robert24

060-EA1-106 si 41-0606-8 in Bucuresti Nord la sfarsit de iunie
060-EA1-106 BN 290613.jpg (191.29 KB; downloaded 2781 times)
41-0606-8 BN 280613.jpg (213.08 KB; downloaded 2746 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Rathgeber2523

241 si 627
241.JPG (225.63 KB; downloaded 2707 times)

41-0627-4.JPG (220.12 KB; downloaded 2707 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

242 gata de plecare spre Brasov. :)

41-0242-2 by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Rathgeber2523

Si de la mine cateva poze
41-0242-2.jpg (181.56 KB; downloaded 2580 times)

41-0242-2 (1).jpg (188.64 KB; downloaded 2579 times)

41-0242-2 (2).jpg (201.04 KB; downloaded 2584 times)

41-0242-2 (3).jpg (193.76 KB; downloaded 2578 times)

41-0242-2 (6).jpg (192.15 KB; downloaded 2583 times)

41-0242-2 (5).jpg (132.59 KB; downloaded 2584 times)

41-0242-2 (4).jpg (123.47 KB; downloaded 2579 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

Ce trio de elită de braşovence acolo una langa alta 242 - 240 - 199  :).


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) MariusCFRBucuresti

Mai lipsea 004 si 250.. :lol:


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Robert24

240, 564 si 606
41-0240-6 BucN 120713.jpg (244.11 KB; downloaded 2664 times)
41-0564-9 PloiestiVest 130713.jpg (313.05 KB; downloaded 2664 times)
41-0606-8 BucN 140713.jpg (283.8 KB; downloaded 2660 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) florin.lifticariu

564 in Ploiesti Vest ? Ce cauta pe-acolo ?


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Robert24

Si eu m-am mirat initial...
Vine cu un Regio Craiova - Bucuresti Basarab pe la pranz, dupa care face Regio 3007 Basarab - Brasov / 3002 sau 3004 (nu stiu care din ele) Brasov - Bucuresti si pe urma se intoarce nu stiu daca direct la Timisoara cu un IR sau via Craiova cu altceva...


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Rathgeber2523

106 astazi
106 (1).jpg (256.95 KB; downloaded 2939 times)

106.jpg (274.91 KB; downloaded 2939 times)


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