Transportul în lumeEuropaUngaria / MagyarországBudapesta


Topic: Budapesta - tramvaie

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Re: Budapesta - tramvaie cris_m

Cred ca ar merge si pe 1 pe portiunea unde suplineste metroul... Nu cu atatea corpuri, cu 4-5 maxim ar fi suficient. Din cate inteleg, la noi legislatia prevede ca tramvaiele sa nu fie din start mai lungi de 30 m?  :?


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie macheta218

DSCF0141.JPG (389.57 KB; downloaded 5395 times)
interior Ganz
DSCF0145.JPG (436.77 KB; downloaded 5385 times)
DSCF0237.JPG (400 KB; downloaded 5384 times)
interior Ganz
DSCF0146.JPG (397.33 KB; downloaded 5385 times)
DSCF0085.JPG (487.92 KB; downloaded 5382 times)
Interior Tatra
DSCF0133.JPG (438.35 KB; downloaded 5386 times)
TW 6000 "scoala"
DSCF0067.JPG (372.71 KB; downloaded 5383 times)
Siemens Combino Supra
DSCF0171.JPG (375.32 KB; downloaded 5383 times)
Siemens Combino Supra
DSCF0174.JPG (400.07 KB; downloaded 5380 times)
Siemens Combino Supra
DSCF0187.JPG (389.63 KB; downloaded 5383 times)


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie macheta218

CAF Urbos scurt
DSCF0111.JPG (422.29 KB; downloaded 5386 times)
CAF Urbos scurt
DSCF0128.JPG (362.87 KB; downloaded 5388 times)
Post conducere CAF Urbos scurt
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interior CAF Urbos scurt
DSCF0129.JPG (425.98 KB; downloaded 5386 times)
CAF Urbos lung
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CAF Urbos lung
DSCF0107.JPG (487.14 KB; downloaded 5384 times)
CAF Urbos lung
DSCF0110.JPG (498.3 KB; downloaded 5426 times)
CAF Urbos lung, cum se vede vagonul in monitorul "oglinda" al vagoanelor.
DSCF0152.JPG (421.01 KB; downloaded 5385 times)
informarea calatorilor din statiile liniei 1
DSCF0121.JPG (441.41 KB; downloaded 5385 times)
"capat de linie"
DSCF0135.JPG (468.28 KB; downloaded 5388 times)


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie ByOnu

Dar care este explicatia pentru un asemenea .. tampon?


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie stakee

Cred ca tine de constructia tramvaielor in general, ele nefiind atat de intarite ca o locomotiva sau un vagon pe lateral(ele avand rama/fusat si la capete tampoane) iar punctul mai intarit fiind pe centru, dar e doar o parere


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie BodoMinea

Tramvaie clasice Ganz pe Linia 2, chiar pe malul Dunării.  :D


  • Tom
  • Posted:

Re: Budapesta - tramvaie Tom

Un sit foarte bun despre tramvaiele din Budapesta și nu numai. Are și versiunea engleză, dar nu e atât de completă ca aceea din limba lui.
Are o pagină mare dedicată vechilor tramvaie UV.


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie SPA29

Cateva imagini realizate de mine in septembrie 2010:
#1308_001.jpg (86.16 KB; downloaded 5189 times)
#1311_001.jpg (87.59 KB; downloaded 5194 times)
#1311_002.jpg (79.95 KB; downloaded 5197 times)
#1331_001.jpg (112.85 KB; downloaded 5190 times)
#1341_001.jpg (86.4 KB; downloaded 5200 times)
#1341_002.jpg (87.91 KB; downloaded 5212 times)
#1355_001.jpg (63.65 KB; downloaded 5187 times)


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie SPA29

#1359_001.jpg (71.31 KB; downloaded 5189 times)
#1365_001.jpg (69.48 KB; downloaded 5190 times)
#1424_001.jpg (102.06 KB; downloaded 5192 times)
#1463_001.jpg (99.68 KB; downloaded 5193 times)
#1464_001.jpg (106.84 KB; downloaded 5189 times)
#2002_001.jpg (104.28 KB; downloaded 5190 times)
#2002_002.jpg (107.67 KB; downloaded 5187 times)


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie stefan_br

1337 in zona parlamentului.


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie Victor92

Cateva tramvaie de la jumatatea lunii Iunie 2019.

1313 - Linia 49 - Szent Gellért-templom

1318 - Linia 49 - Kelenföld vasútállomás M

1320 - Kelenföld Tram Depot

1327 - Linia 2 - Eötvös tér

1328 - Linia 2 - Széchenyi István tér

1343 - Linia 2 - Eötvös tér

Március 15. tér


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie Victor92

1344 - Linia 2 - Eötvös tér

1357 - Linia 49 - Kelenföld vasútállomás M

1363 - Kelenföld Tram Depot

1442 - Linia 49 - Szent Gellért-templom

2228 - Linia 19 - Szent Gellért-templom

4238 - Linia 41 - Szent Gellért tér - Műegyetem M

4240 - Linia 17 - Móricz Zsigmond körtér M


Re: Budapesta - tramvaie Dragos31

Trei tramvaie de la mine din Budapesta - 21 Iulie 2019

Ganz KCSV7



Siemens Combino NF12B



Re: Budapesta - tramvaie stefan_br

In Budpaesta BKK are mai multe trasee turistice cu tramvaie de epoca autobuze si troleibuze clasice.

Sa vedem unul din tramvaiele de epoca prezent pe linia N2 in zona parlamentului.

Aici gasiti un link cu informatii:

IMG_4274.jpg (617.09 KB; downloaded 4332 times)


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