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Topic: Locomotive clasa 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF)

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  • shoppy
  • Posted: Monday, 03.09.2012, 06:50

Re: Locomotive BB 25000 seria 425 (ex. SNCF) shoppy

Alumina calcinata de la Alro Slatina, Uacs-urile alea galbene?


  • Axel
  • Posted: Friday, 09.11.2012, 20:36

Re: Locomotive BB 25000 seria 425 (ex. SNCF) Axel

425-228-0 cu un marfar la Baneasa.

425-228-0-M800 Baneasa,09.11.2012 by axel4955, on Flickr


  • ANDU2100HP
  • Posted: Saturday, 11.05.2013, 10:12

Re: Locomotive BB 25000 seria 425 (ex. SNCF) ANDU2100HP

42-0162-1 cu niste cazane pe la Buftea 9-mai-2013


  • ANDU2100HP
  • Posted: Saturday, 11.05.2013, 10:15

Re: Locomotive BB 25000 seria 425 (ex. SNCF) ANDU2100HP

42-0186-9 cu niste cazane pe la Buftea 6-mai-2013


  • Robert24
  • Posted: Monday, 08.07.2013, 13:45

Re: Locomotive BB 25000 seria 425 (ex. SNCF) Robert24

425-576 in Bucuresti Nord
425576-2.jpg (196.43 KB; downloaded 7670 times)


  • Robert24
  • Posted: Monday, 15.07.2013, 08:52

Re: Locomotive BB 25000 seria 425 (ex. SNCF) Robert24

425-517 cu Regio Bucuresti - Brasov in Ploiesti Vest
425-517 plus RIO.jpg (350.36 KB; downloaded 7588 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted: Tuesday, 30.07.2013, 19:45

Re: Locomotive seria 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) 133 313

Cateva chestiuni interesante despre 'cratiti si tigai'. Eu ma impac bine cu franceza, nu va suparati pe mine.

Si ceva mai incitant.
Si cu o locomotiva de serie. Uimitor. Numai cand te gandesti cat reuseste un Phoenix pe inelul de la Faurei.


Re: Locomotive seria 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) bercenicity

Niste precizari:

"Cratițele" de marfa sunt BB 25100, BB 25150 si BB 25200 (parte din familia BB Jacquemin, familie din care face parte si BB 9004, co-autoarea recordului de 331 km/h din 1955) - toate 4130 kW
"Tigăile" RegioTrans sunt BB 25500 - aka "dansatoare", [bare de] "sapun" - 2940 kW

Au pastrat numerotarile orignale, doar au adaugat un 4 in fata:

Recordul din 1955 la calitate mai buna:


  • 133 313
  • Posted: Wednesday, 31.07.2013, 09:47

Re: Locomotive seria 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) 133 313

Despre alimentarea 'cratitelor':
-curent continuu 1,5 kV si 3400kW
-curent alternativ 25 kV si 4130kW


Re: Locomotive seria 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) ANDU2100HP

RT in rasarit si cu impingatoare la doua rama rio 8-11-2013


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted: Thursday, 20.02.2014, 11:04

Re: Locomotive seria 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) Utilizator anonim

226 este singura din aceasta serie a GFR care a avut RR, la Pascani.

DSC_2648.JPG (435.83 KB; downloaded 7696 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) Alex Avram

3 tramvaie de Franta surprinse la intrarea in Fetesti de pe m.702

425 164-7 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

Tramvaiul de FRANŢA 109 by Alex Avram, on Flickr

425 186 0 by Alex Avram, on Flickr


  • R936
  • Posted: Friday, 20.02.2015, 19:29

Re: Locomotive clasa 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) R936

208, 213, 518, 536, 581
15970872920_d3104525fc_b.jpg (233.96 KB; downloaded 6354 times)
12343466683_9ec5073390_b.jpg (222.31 KB; downloaded 6347 times)
13785810864_f97b5e2514_b.jpg (237.71 KB; downloaded 6344 times)
15181890492_e8aa26aa94_b.jpg (227.75 KB; downloaded 6344 times)
16550855141_7d0f4cee8b_b.jpg (198.86 KB; downloaded 6349 times)


  • Gabi23
  • Posted: Monday, 13.04.2015, 18:51

Re: Locomotive clasa 425 (BB 25000 ex. SNCF) Gabi23

425-232-2 a avut recent parte de revizie RG. A primit cu această ocazie schema de vopsire alb-verde-gri și faruri cu leduri.

425-232-2 - Chitila - 13.04.2015 (1).JPG (131.14 KB; downloaded 8044 times)

425-232-2 - Chitila - 13.04.2015 (2).JPG (91.5 KB; downloaded 8039 times)

425-232-2 - Chitila - 13.04.2015 (3).JPG (36.06 KB; downloaded 8047 times)

425-232-2 - Chitila - 13.04.2015 (4).JPG (61.96 KB; downloaded 8041 times)

425-232-2 - Chitila - 13.04.2015 (5).JPG (144.9 KB; downloaded 8041 times)


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