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Topic: Copenhaga

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Re: Transportul public in Copenhaga Robert24

Linia 993 - o linie scurta

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Re: Transportul public in Copenhaga Robert24

Si statiile acestora

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Re: Transportul public in Copenhaga Robert24

O statie de metrou la suprafata si cateva trenuri.
Statiile subterane au pereti de sticla de protectie.

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Re: Transportul public in Copenhaga Robert24

Trenurile suburbane - S-Tog

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Re: Transportul public in Copenhaga PTMZ

MAN va livra 25 de autobuze Lion's City 12E către operatorul Anchersen A/S:
25 MAN Lion’s City 12 E models are set to land in Copenhagen. They are due to be delivered to Anchersen A/S later this year, in an handover that will mark the first MAN e-bus deployment in Denmark. The largest e-bus order so far with MAN has been placed in Nuremberg. Also the Dutch company Ebusco recently celebrated its first e-bus order from Denmark.

To ensure that it has sufficient charging capacity for the electric city buses, Anchersen A/S is planning to build an electric bus port with 25 charging stations at its depot in Jernholmen, just outside Copenhagen.

MAN Lion’s City E for Copenhagen city centre
The 25 MAN Lion’s City 12 E will serve the 7A bus route through Copenhagen City Centre, which is used by more than 4.3 million passengers each year. The power for the fully electric driveline comes from the batteries on the vehicle’s roof, which have an installed capacity of 480 kWh. MAN relies on sophisticated battery cell technology from the Group’s modular system. As a result, the electric buses offer a range of 200 km and up to 270 km in favourable conditions over the entire service life of the batteries, MAN points out.

The batteries are depot-charged via a combined charging system (CCS) connector. An average charging power of 100 kW, the MAN Lion’s City 12 E is fully charged in less than three hours – and at the maximum charging power of 150 kW, the charging time is shorter still. Charged in the depot, the long-lasting batteries guarantee simple integration into existing commercial operations.

MAN Lion’s City E in Denmark, the second order in Scandinavia
“A few months ago, Nobina Sverige AB ordered 22 Lion’s City E buses from us for Malmö, Sweden. After this order, that now represents the next biggest purchase of our electric buses from Scandinavia. With that in mind, as well as the fact that these are the first MAN city buses supplied to Anchersen, we’re delighted with the order,” says Rudi Kuchta, Head of Business Unit Bus at MAN Truck & Bus. “It’s great to see that our electric bus is gaining such a positive reception, that it’s on the road in more and more cities in Europe, and that the issue of protecting our environment is becoming more and more important in scheduled-service transport.”

“For us, the role of electric vehicles in bus transport will be a top priority in the future. To make urban transport as sustainable as possible, our new city buses are charged exclusively using green electricity. This means that they are completely emission-free in day-to-day service as well as being extremely quiet on the road,” says Poul Anchersen, the CEO and owner of Anchersen A/S. “In addition, MAN city buses offer our customers maximum comfort and safety thanks to the ESP system installed as an additional feature, among other things.”

Sursa: Sustainable Bus


Re: Transportul public in Copenhaga punmeister

Primul tramvai Siemens Avenio pentru viitoarea retea de metrou usor (Hovedstadens Letbane) este gata!
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Cele 27 de tramvaie pentru Hovedstadens Letbane sunt cu 4 module, bi-sens si cu o capacitate de 263 de calatori la 4 calatori/m2. Acestea vor intra in serviciu incepand cu anul 2024. ... _desktop


Re: Copenhaga punmeister

DSB pregateste inlocuirea treptata a intregii flote de trenuri S-Tog formata din ramele clasa SA si SE fabricate de Siemens si Alstom LHB cu trenuri noi, echipate pentru exploatarea in regim UTO.

Licitatia este cu pre-calificare (cum a fost la PT+Executie M6.1 si M6.2 ), cei calificati fiind Alstom Danemarca, CAF si un consortiu format din Siemens si Stadler, cel mai probabil ca la Berlin unde Stadler a venit cu partea mecanica si Siemens cu partea electrica.

DANISH State Railways (DSB) has announced that three bidders have been prequalified for its tender to supply the new fleet of fully-automated trains for the Copenhagen S-Bane network.

Alstom Transport Danmark, CAF and a consortium of Siemens Mobility and Stadler are now competing for the contract to supply a minimum of 226 trains equipped to operate at Grade of Automation 4 (GoA4).

Expected to be worth €3.5bn, the contract will include maintenance over 30 years and an option for up to 100 additional trains. There will be a further option to install driver’s cabs in the new fleet.

DSB is conducting procurement by means of a competitive dialogue, which it says will enable it to develop tender specifications with the bidders in order to provide the “best and most robust solutions” for the future S-Bane fleet.

The Danish national operator expects to be able to award the contract during the first half of 2025, with the first new trains entering service on the Ring Line around 2030.

“We have three strong and competent bidders in the field,” says Mr Jürgen Müller, director of strategy and rolling stock at DSB.

“It provides healthy competition and a robust tender process, which will hopefully lead to attractive offers. All three prequalified bidders have proven over time that they have the skills and muscle to develop, produce and deliver high- quality trains.” ... e-fleet/


Re: Copenhaga Dragos31

Fata de primele mesaje din topic, parcul de autobuze a fost in mare parte innoit, in special cu vehicule electrice si articulate. In paralel, inca circula si destule autobuze vechi, intretinute corespunzator de catre operatori.

Pentru inceput, imagini cu autobuze ale operatorului Anchersen ApS.

Scania CK230UB:


Iveco Crossway 13 LE City:





MAN NL367 Lion's City 12 Electric:





Re: Copenhaga Dragos31

Mercedes-Benz Citaro C2 LE:




Re: Copenhaga Dragos31

  • Arriva Danmark A/S

    Volvo 8500LE:



    Scania CK230UB:




    Scania CK280UB:




    Volvo 8900LE:



    Re: Copenhaga Dragos31

    MAN NG313 Lion's City GL CNG:












    Re: Copenhaga Dragos31

    VDL Citea SLFA-180 Electric:







    Doua imagini din interior.


    Re: Copenhaga Dragos31

  • De Blaa Omnibusser A/S:

    Volvo 8900LE:




    Re: Copenhaga Dragos31

  • Keolis Danmark A/S

    Iveco Crossway 13 LE:



    VDL Citea SLE120:





    Yutong E12LF:



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