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Topic: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016

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"Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

InnoTrans Berlin reprezintă cel mai important eveniment dedicat transporturilor feroviare și indirect transportului public. Acest târg are loc la fiecare 2 ani în cadrul complexului expozițional "Messe Berlin".
Aflat deja la a unsprezecea ediție, anul acesta InnoTrans își va deschide porțile pe20 septembrie, unde un număr record de expozanți (2940 de companii înscrise la 11 august) va aștepta peste 100,000 de vizitatori.
În cadrul evenimentului sunt prezente 5 secțiuni: Railway Technology,  Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors și Tunnel Construction.

În premieră, anul acesta Asociația "Metrou Ușor" va fi prezentă la Innotrans prin 3 membri, care vă vor ține conectați 8 ore pe zi la toate noutățile din domeniu.
Am obținut acreditare de presă și astfel vom avea acces în zona exclusivă unde liderii marilor companii producătoare de material rulant vor împărtăși planurile de viitor.

Pentru cei dintre voi care vreți să fiți live la acest eveniment vă anunț că Ryanair va avea din septembrie două curse zilnice între București și Berlin, prețurile fiind foarte bune, iar Camera de Comerț și Industrie Româno-Germană vă poate pune la dispoziție bilete pentru toate zilele la doar 20 euro (față de 65 euro pe site sau 100 euro la fața locului). Biletele includ și transportul public în toate zonele Berlinului.

Mai multe informații găsiți pe site-ul InnoTrans:


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

La InnoTrans a inceput sa soseasca materialul rulant.
Imagini preluate de pe "Railcolor"

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Va reamintim ca incepand cu marti 20 septembrie, echipa Metrou Usor va va trasmite cele mai noi informatii de la InnoTrans aici pe forum si pe pagina noastra de Facebook!


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 punmeister

Romania cu ce vine la InnoTrans?


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Florinds

Frumos, asteptam cu interes noutatile!


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

punmeister wrote:
Romania cu ce vine la InnoTrans?

Pana acum lista oficiala de produse expuse este data doar de Astra Rail Industries - 4 vagoane de marfa: Zags, Tagnpps, Zacens si JNA / Astra Vagoane Calatori - tramvaiul Autentic / Atelierele Grivita

Lista expozantilor romani (cu si fara produse) este:
- Astra Rail Industries
- Astra Vagoane Calatori
- Atelierele CFR Grivita
- Flexibil
- RAAL S.A. Bistrita
- Remarul 16 Februarie
- AIF - Romanian Railway Industry Association
- Softronic


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

Comunicatul de presa oficial inaintea deschiderii

InnoTrans 2016: Records tumble as the leading international transport trade fair opens its doors

• Renewed growth in exhibitors and national displays
• Rail industry shows 140 products making their world debut
• Public Days for the public on 24 and 25 September

Tomorrow, when this year’s InnoTrans opens its doors it will be the largest ever. The eleventh edition of the event has broken records in every area: 2,950 exhibitors from 60 countries are occupying every single space on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds with their wide-ranging products and services. 200 of these companies are exhibiting for the first time at the world’s leading transport trade fair. At 62 per cent, international participation is higher than ever before. InnoTrans is also welcoming first-time exhibitors from the following six countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Hong Kong, Thailand and Vietnam.

InnoTrans has again confirmed its position as an innovative force and the global rail industry’s leading marketing platform and features 140 products making their first appearance on the world stage. International manufacturers are exhibiting 123 of the latest-generation rail vehicles on the Outdoor Display. More than 130,000 trade visitors from all parts of the world are expected to attend over the four days of the trade fair.

All exhibitors’ requests have been satisfied

“This year’s InnoTrans is the largest ever and with it, the physical limits of the exhibition grounds have finally been reached“, said Dr. Christian Göke, CEO of Messe Berlin GmbH. “Just over a year ago the trade fair had a waiting list for 6,000 square metres of floor space. By optimizing all available areas on the Outdoor Display and in the halls we were able to satisfy every exhibitor’s request, which I am absolutely delighted with.”
“InnoTrans has long established itself as the leading international trade fair for rail transport technology and infrastructure and as a global marketing platform for the entire mobility sector. ’Mobility 4.0’, the heading of the opening event, is proof of this”, said Matthias Steckmann, Executive Director of the Business Unit Mobility and Services of Messe Berlin GmbH.

International dimension – a trademark

One of the trademarks of InnoTrans is its international dimension, as it attracts large numbers of international exhibitors and trade visitors alike. At 62 per cent, the proportion of international exhibitors has reached new levels. Compared to 2014 the display area at InnoTrans 2016 has risen to 112,000 square metres, an increase of eight per cent.
Companies representing a total of 60 countries are showing their products to a global audience. 36 of the world’s leading industry associations from 21 countries are also exhibiting at the trade fair. Two-thirds are from abroad, including from Europe, Asia and the USA.

At this year’s trade fair the share of exhibitors from non-European countries has risen again and now stands at 22 per cent. The largest increase is in companies from Asia and Australia. At 77 per cent each, the increase in exhibitors from China and Australia compared to 2014 is particularly noteworthy. The majority of exhibitors at InnoTrans are from key European markets, with Germany, Italy and France in the top three spots.
Once again, the combined display of Japan occupies an entire hall. Belgium, Tunisia, Portugal and the Federal State of Hesse are all hosting combined displays at InnoTrans for the first time. Business delegations representing 20 countries, including from India, Italy, Japan, Morocco, the USA, Taiwan and the United Arab Emirates are visiting Berlin to be at InnoTrans 2016.

New at InnoTrans: Bus Display, Conference Corner and CUBE

The Bus Display is celebrating its debut in the Sommergarten. This innovative concept consists of a display area exclusively for buses, where international bus manufacturers can exhibit their vehicles and demonstrate them on a 500-metre long course. This display rounds off the Public Transport segment.
This year InnoTrans is hosting a new conference format, the ‘Conference Corner’ which, starting on the last day for trade visitors, gives industry associations and transport companies in particular an opportunity to organise their own programme. As part of these events the MAGLEV 2016 Conference on magnetic levitation technology will run from 23 to 26 September.
Two companies are exhibiting their products to trade visitors on three-tier displays for the first time, and the CUBE programme is hosting a pitching event, also for the first time. CUBE events give industry startups, innovative business managers and industry decision-makers an opportunity to meet.

Future Mobility Park, TCCS, Career & Education Hall

At InnoTrans the Future Mobility Park is the platform for showcasing the forward-looking visions of tomorrow’s transport. Creative designers and companies from countries including Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belarus and the US will be presenting their ideas for the future in the passageway connecting Halls 20 and 21.
Travel Catering & Comfort Services has become a much talked-about topic, as demonstrated by the positive developments in this section at the fair. The TCCS-themed route takes trade visitors directly to companies presenting railway catering and travel comfort services.

Career starters from Germany and abroad can find out about opportunities in the global transport industry on the exhibition grounds. In the Career & Education Hall (7.1c) human resource experts representing the global market leaders and small and medium-sized enterprises will have information on careers and job opportunities. This year, for the first time and in close cooperation with the industry and associations, InnoTrans has sponsored two international student competitions in China and the USA.

World debuts and outdoor display site

At InnoTrans 140 products making their world debut will provide an impressive display of the global rail industry’s innovativeness. Products include everything from brand-new technology and innovative interior components to the latest generation of rail vehicles.

This year the focus of the Outdoor Display, with its 3,500-metres of rail track, is on 123 exhibits from the industry’s leading manufacturers from all over the world. Alstom is displaying a fuel-cell powered train for regional transport. Trade visitors can take a close-up look at the new EC250 “Giruno” train from Stadler Rail, the Velaro Türkei high-speed train, and the “Metro Riyadh” underground train from Siemens. The DE 18 locomotive from Vossloh Locomotives is making its world debut at InnoTrans 2016, and Deutsche Bahn is also represented with a wide-ranging display on the Outdoor Display.

The Innovation Report at provides an overview of innovations and world debuts at InnoTrans 2016.

InnoTrans Convention: a dialogue among equals

For visitors and those with rail industry knowledge the InnoTrans Convention is the international meeting place for exchanging expert views among equals. The panel discussions and event formats provide an opportunity to discuss current and future mobility trends. This year’s main events are the Dialog Forum, the Rail Leaders‘ Summit, the International Tunnel Forum, the International Design Forum and the DB Innovation Forum.
Full details of the supporting programme of specialist events can be found at

Railway festival: Open Days on 24 and 25 September

On the Public Days on 24 and 25 September visitors of all ages can enjoy a full range of entertainment and culinary delights, including sights, sounds and snacks. Technically interested visitors can marvel at the next generation of rail vehicles on the rail track and outdoor display site. Exhibits include everything from the latest coaches, locomotives and trains to special rail vehicles.
Besides hi-tech rail products there will be all kinds of fun and games for all the family. Children can enjoy themselves playing with make-up, several bouncy castles or on a super slide. Emma, an old locomotive and a major public attraction, will be inviting children to take an exclusive trip in the driver’s cabin. On the Sunday open to the public Deutsche Bahn will be hosting ’Railwayman’s Day’, featuring numerous highlights, games and information.

About InnoTrans

InnoTrans is the world’s leading trade fair for rail transport technology and takes place every two years in Berlin. At the last event 2,761 exhibitors from 55 countries presented the global rail industry’s innovations to 133,595 trade visitors who came from 146 countries. The five segments at InnoTrans include Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel Construction. InnoTrans is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH. The eleventh InnoTrans will take place on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds from 20 to 23 September 2016. More details are available online at


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

Exponatele asteapta vizitatorii.

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Inn02.jpg (244.35 KB; downloaded 8224 times)

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Mai multe imagini aici:

Nu uitati, de maine suntem live si aici si pe facebook!


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

InnoTrans 2016 a inceput.
In deschidere, doamna Violeta Bulc - comisar european a vorbit despre un proiect spectaculos: se doreste impreuna cu Erasmus lansarea unui bilet unic de transport pentru studenti, valabil oriunde in UE.

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Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

In cadrul InnoTrans 2016 sunt prezentate 4 autobuze electrice de la Solaris, VDL, Sileo si Belkommunmash:

- Polonezii de la Solaris au venit cu modelul Urbino 12 Electric - prevazut cu sistem de incarcare rapida la capat de linie. Siemens impreuna cu Stemmann-Technik a prezentat o solutie consola prevazuta cu un pantograf inversat care poate oferi o autonomie de aprox. 30 km la o incarcare intr-un interval de 10 minute.
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- Olandezii de la VDL (fost DAF) au venit cu modelul Citea prevazut cu acumulatori pentru o rulare de aprox. 200 km. Optional se poate monta un pantograf pentru incarcare rapida la capat de linie.
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- Concernul germano-turc Sileo a prezentat modelul articulat de 18m (S18) care permite o autonomie de peste 250km. In oferta lor se regasesc si modele de 12, respectiv 10m.
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- O mare surpriza a reprezentat-o compania bielorusa Belkamunmash care a prezentat modelul articulat Electrobus E433, prevazut cu pantograf pentru incarcare rapida.
electric_blekommunmash_electrobus_e433 (Large).JPG (607.92 KB; downloaded 8109 times)
electric_blekommunmash_electrobus_e433a (Large).JPG (486.48 KB; downloaded 8105 times)

Marea problema a bateriilor o reprezinta capacitatea acestora, altfel spus autonomia oferita. Insa se are in vedere incarcarea rapida la capete de linii cu ajutorul pantografelor si cresterea duratei de viata a acestor baterii la aprox. 5 ani. In principiu, producatorii au declarat ca aceste autobuze electrice impreuna cu instalatiile de incarcare rapida duc la costuri mai scazute decat troleibuzele acolo unde nu exista retea deja existenta.


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Cristy

De menționat faptul ca Solaris Urbino Electric a câștigat titlul de Bus of the year 2017.  :P
Bătălia finala s-a dat intre Solaris, Citaro NGT (singurul din competiție propulsat pe gaz natural), și alte 3 autobuze electrice: Irizar, Ebusco si Van Hool.


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Florinds

Nu stiu ce sa zic, mare lucru daca se pot incarca la capat de linie. Totusi, acumulatoarele nu au si ele o durata de viata, stiu din experienta ca autonomia este din ce mai mica si la autobuze costurile inlocuirii cred ca sunt uriase. Parca vad licitatii contestate etc. (scuze ca ma gandesc la noi).
Multumim, ne mai clatim si noi ochii...


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

Cei de la Solaris au sustinut ca un set de acumulatori tin vreo 5 ani si costa aprox. 12.000 euro. Not bad...

PS: Revin duminica cu multe info de la InnoTrans.


  • GPS
  • Posted:

Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 GPS

Pana atunci măcar o poza cu "noul" Autentic? Multumesc. :)


Re: "Metrou Ușor" la InnoTrans 2016 Robert24

Noul Autentic... nu a ajuns. Desi au platit spatiul de expunere, Astra nu a reusit sa aduca produsul la targ!  :popa:
Motivul oficial a fost ca... "nu a ajuns".


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