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Topic: Generalități despre transportul feroviar

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Generalități despre transportul feroviar bercenicity ... etieni.htm

Google a pus pe Street View imagini panoramice cu o linie de cale ferata din Alpii Elvetieni

​Google a anuntat ca pe serviciul Street View care cuprinde imagini panoramice la 360 de grade a fost adaugata in premiera o linie de calea ferata. Este vorba de 122 de km din linia Albula/Bernina aflata in Alpii Elvetieni si inclusa din 2008 in patrimoniul UNESCO.

Fotografiile au fost facute in 2011 cand Google si-a montat aparatura pe locomotivele companiei Rhaetian Railways care strabat zi de zi cei 122 km care cuprind peisaje interesante: lacuri, munti, paduri, tunele inedite.

Calea ferata a fost construita acum mai bine de un secol si in 2008 a fost inclusa in patrimoniul UNESCO. Tronsonul este printre cele mai cunoscute din Alpi si se afla in cantonul elvetian Graubunden (Grisons) de la granita cu Italia.

Link direct la Google StreetView pe calea ferata


Re: Elvetia - trenuri Robert

Nu știu ce este, dar foarte frumoasă această locomotivă ce era pregătită să plece spre Germania/Franța din portul Basel.
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Re: Elvetia - trenuri Robert

Două vagoane odihnindu-se în gara Bahnhof Basel SBB.
Clasa a 2-a
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Clasa 1
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Re: Elvetia - trenuri Puss in Boots

Cred ca daca pui "gara" nu mai are rost sa pui si "Bahnhof".


Re: Elvetia - trenuri Robert

Nu le cunosc limba, deci nu pot decât să îți dau dreptate ;)


Re: Elvetia - trenuri Puss in Boots

Nicio problema. Ocazie de a invata. Mai ales ca lucrurile astea sunt destul de intalnite si pt un pasionat nu strica sa ai putin vocabular chiar daca nu le vorbesti limba (germana adica, germana-elvetiana daca vrei).

Fyi, Bahn inseamna tren, de unde Bahnhof (cu toate derivatele Nord-, Sud-, Haupt- ), U-Bahn, S-Bahn, Deutsche Bahn (CFRul german) sau SBB mentionat de tine unde al doilea B e de la Bahn si per total inseamna "caile ferate federale elvetiene". Daca te-ai uitat pe trenuri ai si echivalentul in franceza CFF si cel in italiana FFS.


Re: Elvetia - trenuri punmeister

Un video cu procesul de inlocuire ale convertizoarelor GTO cu unele IGBT ca parte al programului de modernizare al masinilor din clasa Re460.


Re: Elvetia - trenuri PTMZ

Swiss Federal Railways, SBB, awarded Stadler a CHF 1.3 billion (EUR 1.18 billion) contract for the supply of 60 InterRegio double-deck trains. SBB is exercising an existing option to procure these new trains. The first vehicles will be in use as off timetable 2024.

The new trains will deliver sufficient capacity for the expansion of company’s regional service offer and 41 of the vehicles will help to replace the old fleet and to fulfil the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) on long-distance services. This includes the requirement for barrier-free boarding of trains for persons with reduced mobility by the end of 2023. 19 of the vehicles will also be used to reduce capacity bottlenecks for regional services in the Zurich region and the French-speaking part of Switzerland, to facilitate the expansion of SBB’s service offer and to provide greater comfort.

SBB’s rolling stock fleet already has 93 IR and RE double-deck vehicles and is exercising an existing option to procure these new trains.

The IR double decker is a multiple unit train and offers 466 seats over a train length of 150 metres.

The low-floor design facilitates barrier-free boarding for all passengers. The interior corresponds to the standard in long-distance services and offers 2:1 seating in 1st class.

The trains are equipped with power sockets, they offer easily accessible bicycle spaces, multifunctional compartments with space for pushchairs, plenty of toilet facilities and a modern information system available throughout the train.

In German, Stadler calls the IR double-decker a ‘komfortabler innovativer spurtstarker S-Bahn-Zug’ or Kiss, which translated into English means “comfortable innovative speedy S-Bahn train”. The Kiss train is designed to create more space without any compromise in comfort and safety.

By procuring the InterRegio double-deck trains (IR double-decker), SBB is strengthening its existing fleet with a tried – and – tested vehicle type.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: Elvetia - trenuri PTMZ

The Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), in association its subsidiaries Thurbo and RegionAlps, awarded Stadler a framework agreement for the supply of up to 510 single-decker Flirt EMUs. The initial call-off order placed by the three companies covers the delivery of 286 vehicles, representing an order volume of around CHF 2 billion (EUR 1.86 billion). The contract is to be concluded after the 20-day objection period has expired.

The contract includes three options that, together with the first order will bring the total fleet to 510 EMUs which will replace the entire train fleet within nine years. The first new trains are expected to enter operation from December 2025 and will gradually replace the existing fleet by 2034.

This is “the largest train tender in Swiss rail history”, Stadler says.

SBB ordered 155 trains with option to purchase 174 further trains to replace its Domino EMU fleet. Thurbo will receive 107 trains with option to purchase 40 further trains for the replacement of the articulated railcars. RegionAlps order covers the delivery of 24 trains with option to purchase 10 further vehicles which will replace the Domino and Nina train fleet.

The electric trains will be manufactured entirely in Bussnang, with a share of around 75 per cent of value added for Switzerland.

The two-stage tender procedure was launched in May 2020 and in September SBB shortlisted Alstom, Siemens and Stadler to prepare a tender and all the three companies submitted a tender at the end of April 2021.

Following the evaluation Stadler’s offer was considered good on both cost and quality and the contract was awarded to the Swiss manufacturer.

The tender called for the delivery of 194 EMUs estimated at CHF 1.5 billion (EUR 1.4 billion) with options for the supply of a total fleet of 316 trains, together with the provision of the maintenance services. But the increase of the call-off order for 286 vehicles was made after the railway companies had determined the definitive area of operation for the trains in concert with the Confederation and the Cantons. SBB says that ‘this higher volume of procurement is the only way to replace all the trains that are due to be taken out of operation upon reaching the end of their life cycle.’

“By taking a joint approach to procurement and purchasing a homogenous fleet, SBB, Thurbo and RegionAlps are simplifying rail operations and making a significant contribution to ensuring public transport is competitive and attractive for railway customers,” SBB says.

The single-decker Flirt EMUs will offer more storage space for bikes, pushchairs, and large items of luggage than the vehicles currently in use. They will also ensure good mobile phone coverage and data reception and will be equipped with power sockets in every compartment. The trains will meet the requirements of passengers with mobility disabilities and will provide two spaces for wheelchair-users as well as a wheelchair-accessible toilet. Wheelchair spaces will be available in 1st class for the first time.

Thanks to better motorisation, the new multiple units will also make a significant contribution to improving punctuality. The trains are to be authorised to operate in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Generalități despre transportul feroviar BodoMinea

Știre de ieri, 31 martie 2023.
Elveția. Mai multe persoane au fost rănite după ce două trenuri au deraiat și câteva vagoane s-au răsturnat, la scurt timp unul după celălalt. Vântul puternic, posibilă cauză a accidentelor.
Conform informațiilor apărute în presa din Elveția, primul tren a deraiat în apropierea gării din Lüscherz, localitate aflată în apropiere de capitala Berna. Se știe deocamdată că mai multe persoane, printre care și mecanicul trenului, au fost rănite, iar acțiunile de salvare sunt în desfășurare.
Al doilea accident s-a produs în apropierea gării Büren, aflată la circa 40 de km de primul accident, tot în cantonul Berna, la scurt timp după ce primul tren a deraiat, în jurul orei 17:00 (18:00 ora României).
Reprezentanții companiei regionale de căi ferate au spus că este posibil ca trenurile să fi deraiat din cauza rafalelor de vânt foarte puternice.

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Sursa info și foto: ... 84228844, ... 48409580


Re: Generalități despre transportul feroviar cris_m

Elvetia testeaza montarea unor panouri solare intre liniile de cale ferata pentru a economisi spatiu si a produce energie electrica sustenabila. Panourile au un metru latime si pot fi demontate atunci cand se lucreaza la linie. Mi se pare destul de ingenios.

Un video complet pe Linkedin-ul World Economic Forum: ... ign=copy
Captura din video cu titlu informativ
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Re: Generalități despre transportul feroviar punmeister

Ceea ce pare sa fie o mare escrocherie, la fel ca alte proiecte similare.


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