Transportul în lumeEuropaCehia / Česká republikaPraga


Topic: Evenimente Speciale

3 posts, 370 views
Evenimente Speciale macheta218

20.09.2015 -   140 ani de transport public la Praga.


  • GPS
  • Posted:

Re: Cehia - Praga GPS

Ziua de sâmbătă, 19 Iunie 2021, a marcat încheierea epocii Tatra T6A5 în Praga. Introduse în anul 1995, acestea reprezentau la momentul achiziției un plus adus transportului din capitala Cehiei. În ultima zi acestea au circulat solo pe linia 4, fiind prezente 6 vagoane, astfel 8601, 8637, 8658, 8702, 8748 și 8750. Din cele 6 vagoane, 3 au fost retrase definitiv și vor fi vândute în diverse orașe din Europa, iar celelalte 3 vor fi păstrate ca vagoane istorice: 8601 și 8750 pentru curse speciale, iar 8702 ca vagon de muzeu - fiind deja expus de mai mulți ani. Câteva imagini din ultima zi:

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Re: Cehia - Praga PTMZ

The very first electric tram in Prague began its route in the city on July 18, 1891, and a procession of historic vehicles early tomorrow morning will honor 130 years of trams in the Czech capital.

Thirteen historic trams from around the Czech Republic will arrive at the Královka tram stop from around 7:15 a.m. on Sunday morning, July 18, providing a unique opportunity for fans to photograph them together.

From 8:15 a.m., the vehicles will begin their procession towards Letenské náměstí, passing by central Prague locations including Prague Castle, Old Town Square, Karlovo náměstí, and Wenceslas Square. The journey will last about 70 minutes.

The vehicles taking part in the parade will include the oldest serviceable tram in the Czech Republic, a historic no. 18 from Plzeň. It will lead the procession.

Other vehicles taking part in the parade include two historic Ringhoffer models, six Tatras, and two modern Škoda trams.

The parade route ends near the starting location of the very first electric tram in Prague 130 years ago.

Prague's first electric tram was developed by famed inventor and electrical engineer František Křižík, nicknamed the "Czech Edison" for his pioneering use of electricity and numerous inventions.

Křižík began developing the electric tram in 1890, and had already started construction on the new railway by the time he was granted the necessary permits in May, 1891. Just two months later, his tram took off on its first journey.

Prague's first electric tram line was located at the top of Letná Hill, near the location of the upper stop on the city's former cable car up the hill, and ran for just 800 meters.

Today, the area contains one of the city's more popular beer gardens. But a tiny piece of the railway that carried Prague's first electric tram has been preserved in Letná Park, and is marked by a small plaque.



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