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Topic: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit

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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Azi. Aici surpriza mare sunt consolele de troleibuz pe stalpii noi. Dar trei dintre stalpii cu cub la baza necesita atentie caci s-au cam inclinat.
In prim plan, foraje la coloane pentru un acces, pe colt cu Sibiu (momentan in pauza).
PICT0056.JPG (82.3 KB; downloaded 6191 times)
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Poate doar mi se pare dar coloanele forate inainteaza foarte mult spre intersectie.
PICT0061.JPG (153.25 KB; downloaded 6189 times)
A inceput sa se contureze si caminul asta.
PICT0062.JPG (137.89 KB; downloaded 6190 times)
PICT0063.JPG (139.79 KB; downloaded 6188 times)
PICT0064.JPG (135.44 KB; downloaded 6189 times)
Langa parcarea cu piatra cubica se extinde iluminatul din bulevard, printre blocuri.
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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Part deux.
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La primul acces s-a betonat partial planseul. La toate accesle au renuntat la armare completa cum s-a facut la M4, probabil pentru accesibilitate la introducerea diverselor livrari viitoare pentru interioare cu macaraua.
PICT0072.JPG (156.21 KB; downloaded 6184 times)
PICT0074.JPG (161.44 KB; downloaded 6187 times)
La intrarea in Aleea Poiana Sibiului s-a curatat pentru completarea asfaltului.
PICT0075.JPG (146.93 KB; downloaded 6186 times)
PICT0076.JPG (79.5 KB; downloaded 6184 times)
Detaliu de cub. Inca o poza "fugita" dar esential este... observati stalpul vechi.
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Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit Victor92

Din urma cu cateva minute ...
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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Azi. Aici se da cu picamerul in subteran consistent, pregatiri pentru strapungerea de la acces, decopertarea bentonitei de pe barete, nu ma pot exprima exact, caci nu am aruncat un ochi pe golul din zona, oricum nu se vede nimic, este doar un furnal pe care iese praf.
PICT0068.JPG (87.69 KB; downloaded 5563 times)
Un Citelis in spate imi da o goarna sa ma dau din drum. De parca nu l-am vazut.
PICT0069.JPG (84.46 KB; downloaded 5562 times)
PICT0070.JPG (106.49 KB; downloaded 5563 times)
PICT0071.JPG (111.97 KB; downloaded 5565 times)
PICT0072.JPG (105.15 KB; downloaded 5563 times)
S-a deschis Aleea Poiana Sibiului dar finisajele sunt cam... modeste.
PICT0073.JPG (120.98 KB; downloaded 5565 times)
PICT0074.JPG (133.1 KB; downloaded 5561 times)
Se vede vag praful care iese din subteran.
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PICT0076.JPG (104.56 KB; downloaded 5562 times)
PICT0077.JPG (75.45 KB; downloaded 5562 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Partea 2.
La acces se lucreaza, din pacate n-am gasit o pozitie buna, riveranii erau adunati si discutau in puntele de maxima vezibilitate.
PICT0078.JPG (126.26 KB; downloaded 5562 times)
PICT0079.JPG (176.15 KB; downloaded 5559 times)
PICT0081.JPG (157.34 KB; downloaded 5559 times)
Accesul in parcarea cu piatra cubica, inchis. N-am idee de ce.
PICT0082.JPG (122.47 KB; downloaded 5559 times)
PICT0083.JPG (137.01 KB; downloaded 5557 times)
PICT0084.JPG (136.26 KB; downloaded 5561 times)
Viitoarea poteca printre blocuri, pe care se monteaza iluminatul.
PICT0085.JPG (150.08 KB; downloaded 5558 times)
Iluminatul e cam gata.
PICT0086.JPG (173.18 KB; downloaded 5559 times)
Armatura pentru coloanele accesului dinspre Sibiu aproape s-a terminat, totusi foreza a ramas.
PICT0087.JPG (132.16 KB; downloaded 5559 times)
PICT0088.JPG (127.28 KB; downloaded 5560 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Partea 3.
Caminul de sub strada Sibiu aproape gata, i se pregateste capacul alaturi.
PICT0089.JPG (166.4 KB; downloaded 5561 times)
Pregatirea capacului.
PICT0090.JPG (114.2 KB; downloaded 5561 times)
PICT0091.JPG (86.4 KB; downloaded 5560 times)
PICT0092.JPG (71.5 KB; downloaded 5559 times)
Nu stu cat de bine se vede fara zoom dar in scuarul dintre sensuri se excaveaza pentru realizarea izlatiei pe margini.
PICT0094.JPG (89.65 KB; downloaded 5561 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

PICT0137.JPG (80.16 KB; downloaded 5260 times)
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Se acopera caminul de la str. Sibiu.
PICT0140.JPG (91.15 KB; downloaded 5258 times)
As fi vrut un cadru mai bun dar ar fi insemnat sa-l incurc pe nenea cu statia totala, deci imposibil.
PICT0141.JPG (85.87 KB; downloaded 5256 times)
PICT0142.JPG (126.25 KB; downloaded 5256 times)
Riveranii de la piatra cubica au luat situatia in propriile maini si si-au deschis accesul.
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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Partea 2.
PICT0147.JPG (72.95 KB; downloaded 5304 times)
Accesul avanseaza.
PICT0149.JPG (161.98 KB; downloaded 5263 times)
PICT0150.JPG (151.26 KB; downloaded 5262 times)
PICT0151.JPG (81.84 KB; downloaded 5262 times)
Acum sa vedem cu termoficarea, sunt tevi cu nemiluita aduse.
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PICT0154.JPG (154.53 KB; downloaded 5262 times)


Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit Victor92

6 Iulie 2015
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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

PICT0127.JPG (79.31 KB; downloaded 4799 times)
PICT0128.JPG (95.84 KB; downloaded 4798 times)
Caminul de sub Strada Sibiu, varianta covered.
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Stalpii astia...
PICT0131.JPG (115.26 KB; downloaded 4799 times)
Un nene in spate ma suspecteaza ca vreau sa-i ciordesc masina. As if...
PICT0132.JPG (128.11 KB; downloaded 4800 times)
La acces este o pompa mica de beton si macaraua a coborat ceva dar nu am apucat sa vad ce.
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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

PICT0138.JPG (106.46 KB; downloaded 4539 times)
PICT0139.JPG (160.15 KB; downloaded 4541 times)
Se vad niste spraituri la acces.
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PICT0141.JPG (142 KB; downloaded 4540 times)
PICT0142.JPG (166.07 KB; downloaded 4539 times)
PICT0143.JPG (155.72 KB; downloaded 4577 times)
La camin Sibiu nu s-a asfaltat, lucrarile la canal cred ca se vor extinde spre Medlife, detalii la interstatie.
PICT0144.JPG (127.91 KB; downloaded 4540 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Azi. Nimic spectaculos.
PICT0372.JPG (106.63 KB; downloaded 4298 times)
Strada Sibiu. O cam lalaie.
PICT0373.JPG (134.89 KB; downloaded 4298 times)
Se mai pregateste un camin mai mic. Ar putea fi o premiera, un camin prefabricat.
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PICT0377.JPG (160.13 KB; downloaded 4299 times)
Pamantul ala nu pare a fi excavat din acces, dar nu am stat sa verific.
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PICT0379.JPG (119.05 KB; downloaded 4298 times)
Bonus: Bizonul saptamanii.
PICT0380.JPG (108.41 KB; downloaded 4296 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

In lungul bulevardului.
IMG097.jpg (178.66 KB; downloaded 4012 times)
IMG098.jpg (152.64 KB; downloaded 4011 times)
Accesul e cartonat.
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Inventia minne, caminul semifabricat.
IMG103.jpg (137.08 KB; downloaded 4011 times)
Cine spera sa se asfalteze aici mai are de asteptat, se pregateste subtraversarea strazii Sibiu cu coloanele de la accesul de la Medlife.
IMG104.jpg (143.55 KB; downloaded 4010 times)
IMG105.jpg (206.52 KB; downloaded 4010 times)
Coloanele forate au ajuns prin fata caminului pana in buza carosabilului practicabil. Banuiesc ca se va executa planseul si se va devia circulatia peste pentru continuarea spre Medlife.
IMG106.jpg (203.63 KB; downloaded 4010 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: POZE Lucrari - statia Favorit 133 313

Partea 2.
IMG107.jpg (200.15 KB; downloaded 4010 times)
Foreza e inca aici. Probabil va lua calea Orizontului pana se face aici ce trebuie pentru modificarea circulatiei.
IMG108.jpg (401.91 KB; downloaded 4010 times)


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