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Topic: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective

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Ştiri, noutăți, perspective PTMZ

Solaris_Trollino_24_Prague_1.jpeg (316.8 KB; downloaded 2125 times)

A consortium comprised of Solaris Bus & Coach, Solaris Czech and Škoda Electric has submitted a winning bid in a trolleybus tender concerning the delivery of 20 bi-articulated Trollino 24, held by the Prague public transport operator Dopravní podnik. This is the first such large order for vehicles of this type. The deliveries shall be carried out within 24 months of the signing of the contract.

The tender, launched by operator Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy (DPP), concerned the delivery of 20 bi-articulated trolleybuses. Solaris Bus & Coach, Solaris Czech and Škoda Electric jointly submitted the winning bid. The Solaris Trollino 24 vehicles will roll onto the streets of Prague over the course of the next two years.

Each vehicle will feature four axles, including two drive axles. The drive of the Trollino 24 will consist of two traction motors. Traction batteries, used as a source of energy in the event of power supply failure, will be placed on the roof of the vehicle’s second section. The minimum range of the trolleybus, when running on traction batteries stipulated in the tender specification, amounts to 11 km, Solaris specifies.
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The exact length of this bi-articulated trolleybus is 24,700 mm. It can carry up to 179 passengers, including 54 people seated. The vehicle interior will also feature two bays for passengers in wheelchairs. The Trollino 24 is a five-door-model with a 2-2-2-2-2 door layout. Both the lighting in the passenger compartment and external lighting have been designed using LED technology. What is more, the vehicles will boast various amenities such as destination blinds, efficient air-conditioning and a video surveillance system consisting of cameras monitoring the interior, a rear-view camera and a pantograph camera. Drivers will carry out their duties in a comfortable enclosed cabin separated from the passenger compartment by a half-glazed partition.
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The bi-articulated Solaris trolleybus was presented for the first time to the public in 2019, at the Busworld trade fair in Brussels. In 2020, the trolleybus was test-driven in regular passenger traffic in Bratislava, where an order for 16 units was commissioned. This is yet another trolleybus model in the manufacturer’s range. The company added these zero-emission vehicles to its offering back in 2001. Since then, it has delivered 1800 Trollinos to customers all over Europe.

“We would like to congratulate the of Prague on this investment in state-of-the-art and locally emission-free vehicles! The Trollino 24 trolleybus is our response to increasing passenger capacities on the most used routes in congested towns and cities. Putting 20 bi-articulated trolleybuses into operation will be a perfect solution for this metropolis. I am convinced that these cutting-edge, carefully designed, and above all, zero-emission vehicles with extensive equipment will become a calling card for the Czech capital”, said Petros Spinaris, Management Board Member of Solaris for Sales, Marketing and After Sales.

Sursa: Sustainable Bus


Ştiri, noutăți, perspective punmeister

Ma mir ca s-a bagat Skoda pe partea de electronica, normal doar cei de la Kiepe Electric aveau echipamentele necesare pentru bi-articulate.


Ştiri, noutăți, perspective ByOnu

O perspectiva SINCERA asupra mobilitatii din Praga. Nu este un ghid turistic.


Re: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective ByOnu

Scarbos. Mai bine ar pune poarta sau turnicheti si aia e. Situatia descrisa este aberanta.


Re: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective cris_m

Si care e situatia aberanta? Eu n-am rabdare sa urmaresc tot clipul, ar fi fost bine venita si o scurta descriere a fenomenului.


Re: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective shoppy

Am urmarit 90 de secunde si nu am inteles problema, deci videoul este clickbait si youtubing de duzina.


Re: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective ByOnu

De ce ar trebui sa intelegi problema in 90 de secunde? Ce argument e asta. Crezi ca as fi pus random un clickbait? Clipul explica clar problema. Jesus @shoppy... Vrei 90 de secunde? Mergi pe tiktok.


Re: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective punmeister

Suna exact ca bascalia cu titlurile de calatorie de 90 minute ale STB in primele luni de cand au fost introduse. In orice caz, este inaceptabil asa ceva in epoca cardurilor MIFARE si a sistemelor de Mobility as a Service. Dar mna, Praga in sine este o mare teapa pentru turisti overall.


Re: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective shoppy

Chiar eram curios si am urmarit cu atentie pentru ca am fost si eu acolo de mai multe ori si recomand oricui sa urce cu funicularul si sa coboare prin castel, mi s-a parut foarte civilizat si fara nici o problema, nici cunoscutii mei care locuiesc acolo nici ceilalti turisti pe care i-am trimis nu mi-au povestit ca ar fi fost o problema. Intai am inteles ca problema este ca e coada(nu-i o problema reala, aia e instalatia, vezi coada, este civilizat, iti convine stai, nu-ti convine nu stai), dupaia ca sunt turistii fraieri ca composteaza de 2 ori(nici asta nu-i o problema reala, daca are pasaport sau buletin strain este clar ca turistul a vrut sa fie civilizat daca a cumparat o cartela de 3 zile, nu a venit un localnic sa fure zile fara numar cu cartela de 3 zile, sigur controlorii stiu povestea, si care-i legatura cu funicularul?), deci daca dupa 90 de secunde de poveste ca "este teapa" sau "este teapa?" nu inteleg care-i teapa promisa atunci e clar ca nu-i nici o teapa si totul este clickbait(da, bine, a filmat frumos, a explicat cum este pe acolo, dar nu asta promite titlul, sa fi spus ca este prezentarea funicularului cu sfaturi pentru turisti si ar fi fost foarte ok).


Re: Ştiri, noutăți, perspective valy

Praga va avea 200 de tramvaie noi,   Skoda 52T: ... aha-52t/

A new tramway for Prague: Skoda ForCity Plus Praha 52T
by Editorial | UTM

The capital of the Czech Republic can look forward to up to 200 modern, 100% low-floor Škoda ForCity Plus Praha 52T trams. The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) has signed an eight-year contract with the winner of the public tender, Škoda Group, for the purchase of 40 trams and an option to deliver up to 160 more. The total value of the contract is nearly CZK 16.602 milliard, and it is one of the largest investments in new trams in the modern history of DPP. The first 20 new trams are expected to arrive in Prague in December 2025, and another 20 vehicles a year later, by the end of December 2026.

A new tramway model

The Škoda ForCity Plus Praha 52T is a one-way, five-part, 100% low-floor tram without a single step in the entire passenger compartment, including the space above the bogies, in a modern design created by a team of designers from Škoda Group led by Tomáš Chludil. It is 32 metres long, equipped with full-carriage green air conditioning with ecological refrigerant, an anti-collision system, automatic passenger counting, energy-saving LED interior and exterior lighting, and 70 padded seats, of which 44 are forward-facing and 26 are rearward-facing. Compared to the previous 15T trams, the capacity of the new vehicles will increase by 33 passengers, or almost 16%. Passengers will appreciate the new information system with six large screens across the entire width of the aisle and more intuitive operation of the door opening buttons and signalling to the driver. That’s a short description of the new tram that will hit the streets of Prague for the first time in 2025.

Prague, especially its historic centre, is typical for its narrow streets with sharp curves and steep gradients, significant height differences in the tram network, but also long and relatively straight routes. The development of the new tram for Prague considered all these facts as well as the technical requirements of the DPP resulting from the previous operating experience. The design of the new tram combines a multi-link vehicle with two pivoting bogies under the outermost links and two partly pivoting bogies under the inner chassis links. This combination allowed for a much more accessible, airy saloon for passengers with short, wider, and spacious joints, free of any steps or other barriers. It also ensures adaptability to any track profile and promises a smooth, comfortable, and quiet ride, as well as reduced wear and tear on wheels and tracks. This solution will have an impact on the longer service life of the vehicles, assuming, for example, up to 50% more-wheel mileage than the 15T trams, and ultimately lower maintenance costs for the bogies and its most expensive components.

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