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Topic: Orizonturi rosii...

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  • Utilizator anonim 2
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Re: Orizonturi rosii... Utilizator anonim 2

Poate ne dau si noua citeva mai putin uzate, nu cum am cumparat de la nu stiu cine la mina a patra…


Re: Orizonturi rosii... subway guru

Noi trebuie sa punem bani deoparte ca sa cumparam F-35 ultrascumpe…pana atunci bune si astea F-16 la mana a paispcea ca migurile au cazut in bot de vechi ce erau. Crezi ca ucrainienii primesc ceva mai de Doamne ajuta decat noi? Iar ei sunt in razboi pe viata si pe moarte nu doar privesc de pe tusa de margine…
Dar cine este acest nenorocit de ospataras obscur Prigojin ce viseaza el sa dicteze politica mondiala din varful furculitei cu servetul la gat? Chiar asa de rau au ajuns rusnacii?
Occidentalii nu comenteaza ca nu au niciun interes sa-i ia peste picior iar noi tot ca maimuta, naude, navede, naglasuieste….doar imita si mimeaza!…iar in rest sosoaca…
Si noi suntem de tot rasul!
In privinta avioanelor F-16 pentru Ucraina decizia occidentalilor pare deja luata, mai ramane sa fie doar pusa in aplicare…


Re: Orizonturi rosii... Aron

In alte stiri pe saptamana asta:
1. Orasul Bahmut a fost luat total sub control de catre gruparea Wagner.

Russia's private army Wagner claimed Saturday the total control of the east Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, the epicenter of fighting, as Kyiv said the battle was continuing but admitted the situation was "critical".

Bakhmut, a salt mining town that once had a population of 70,000 people, has been the scene of the longest and bloodiest battle in Moscow's more than year-long Ukraine offensive.

The fall to Russia of Bakhmut, where both Moscow and Kyiv are believed to have suffered huge losses, would have high symbolic value.

If confirmed, Bakhmut's loss would allow Moscow to bring home a victory after a series of humiliating defeats.

It would also come before a major counteroffensive that Kyiv has been preparing for months.

The announcement by Wagner came as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky took part in the G7 summit in Japan.

The mercenary group's boss Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed the city had fallen to his mercenaries in a video posted on Telegram, in which fighters held Russian flags on the backdrop of ruins.

"Today on May 20, around midday, Bakhmut was taken in its entirety," Prigozhin said in the video, adding that Wagner fighters would search the captured city before handing it over to the official Russian army.

"By May 25 we will completely examine (Bakhmut), create the necessary lines of defense and hand it to the military," Prigozhin said. "We ourselves will go into field camps."

Artillery sound could be heard in the background of Prigozhin's video.

Ukraine, which earlier this month claimed successes in and around Bakhmut, said the fighting for the city was ongoing.

"Heavy fighting in Bakhmut. The situation is critical," deputy defense minister Ganna Malyar posted on Telegram.

She said Ukrainian troops were "holding the defense" in the city's "Airplane area".

"As of now, our defenders control certain industrial and infrastructure facilities in the area," she said.

It was not possible for AFP to verify either claims.

'Bakhmut meat grinder'
Wagner has spearheaded the fight for Bakhmut and is believed to have suffered huge losses in the months-long storming of the city.

"The operation to capture Bakhmut — the Bakhmut meat grinder — lasted 224 days," Prigozhin said, wearing a camouflage uniform.

Prigozhin, embroiled in an increasingly public fight with the official Russian army, said Moscow's losses would have been far smaller if it was not for incompetent generals.

He has long complained about Wagner not being given the appropriate amount of ammunition.

"There was only Wagner here (in Bakhmut)," he said in the video. "We fought not only the Ukrainian army here, we fought Russian bureaucracy."

He did not reveal how many Wagner fighters have died in Bakhmut but said losses were "five times higher" due to Russia's military leadership.

He blamed Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov for turning the offensive into "their own amusement".

"One day in history they will pay for their actions," Prigozhin said.

Wagner ranks included an unknown number, believed to be high, of ex-convicts after Prigozhin toured Russian prisons last year to attract prisoners, promising them an amnesty upon their return should they survive.

"The generals, ex-employees of law enforcement, of the FSB (security service) and the former convicts were active here as one team," Prigozhin said.

He has recently delivered unprecedented attacks against Moscow's military leadership.

The front in eastern Ukraine was largely frozen until last winter, with much of the fighting taking place around Bakhmut.

The two camps are now awaiting a counteroffensive announced by Ukrainian authorities who are backed by Western arms deliveries.

Zelensky has said recently that his army needs more time before launching the assault.

2. Syria a fost reprimita in liga Araba. O palma grea pentru America care drept raspuns a trimis submarine in golf.

After more than a decade of isolation, Bashar al-Assad, the president of war-torn Syria, has been welcomed back into the Arab League.

Al-Assad on Friday attended the regional bloc’s 32nd summit in Saudi Arabia’s port city of Jeddah for the first time since his country’s suspension following the eruption of war in Syria in 2011.During his speech, he said the summit was a “historic opportunity” to address crises across the region as hundreds protested in rebel-held northern Syria against his participation in the event.

“I hope that it marks the beginning of a new phase of Arab action for solidarity among us, for peace in our region, development and prosperity instead of war and destruction,” al-Assad told attendees.

Al-Assad said Syria would always belong to the Arab world but called for non-interference in the internal affairs of Arab states.

“It is important to leave internal affairs to the country’s people as they are best able to manage their own affairs,” he said.
And in an apparent swipe at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has backed Syrian rebels and sent Turkish forces into swaths of northern Syria, al-Assad noted the “danger of expansionist Ottoman thought”, describing it as influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood – a group seen as a foe by Damascus and many other Arab states.
“I would like to loudly welcome Syria back to its seat among its brothers,” Algerian Prime Minister Ayman Benabderrahmane said in the opening speech of the summit.

Syria’s Arab League membership was revoked after al-Assad ordered a crackdown on protesters in March 2011 that spiralled the country into a war, which has since killed nearly half a million people and displaced another 23 million.

Some Arab states have pushed to end al-Assad’s isolation and welcomed the decision, while others have opposed full normalisation without a political solution to the Syrian conflict and want there to be conditions for Syria’s return.

Oil powerhouse Saudi Arabia, once heavily influenced by the United States, has taken the diplomatic lead in the Arab world in the past year, re-establishing ties with Iran, welcoming Syria back to the fold, and meditating in the Sudan conflict.

The potential re-establishment of ties between Riyadh and Damascus would mark the most significant development yet in moves by Arab states to normalise ties with al-Assad.

3. Ungaria blocheaza 500 milioane de euro din fonduri UE pentru Ucraina cat timp banca OTP se afla pe lista neagra. Plus de asta a transmis un mare avertisment asupra Ucrainei in urma informatiilor clasificate scurse s-a regasit un plan privind distrugerea conductei Druzhba, care e conducta principala de import din Rusia in Ungaria. Printre declaratii Szijjártó, ministrul afacerilor externe, a declarat ca in cazul unui astfel de atac, nu vor inchide ochii precum germanii si vor activa ei articolul 5 al NATO.

Hungary this week held up a proposal to allocate a further 500 million euros ($550.40 million) from an EU-run fund, the European Peace Facility, to military aid for Ukraine.

This would allow EU governments to submit new claims to be reimbursed for weapons and ammunition they have donated to Kyiv.

In justifying the move, Hungary demanded guarantees that other regions, such as the Balkans or North Africa, would also get money from the fund.
But EU diplomats in Brussels said that, behind closed doors, Hungary had made clear the main reason for its blockade was Ukraine's blacklisting of the OTP bank.

EU officials said they were working to resolve the issue, including trying to ascertain whether Kyiv had blacklisted the entire bank or just its Russian branch.

Some diplomats expressed frustration at Hungary's move, arguing the two issues should not be linked and noting that other EU companies were also on Kyiv's blacklist.

"We'll talk to the Ukrainians and we'll talk to the (EU) member states, including Hungary," a senior EU official said on condition of anonymity.

"Our priority is clear - it's to help Ukraine win a war. And to do that, there needs to be military and financial aid. It's an absolute priority for the European Union."

The EU has provided a total of about 3.6 billion euros ($4 billion) for military support for Ukraine so far under the European Peace Facility.

Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, has stated that Ukraine threatens Hungarian sovereignty due to alleged intentions to blow up the Druzhba (Friendship) pipeline, which supplies Russian oil to the country.

Source: Index, citing Szijjártó during a speech at the Hungarian embassy in Austria on Wednesday

Details: According to the head of Hungarian diplomacy, Ukraine is becoming "increasingly hostile to Hungary", because, from 1 September "Hungarian schools in Zakarpattia will not be able to work", and the Hungarian bank OTP Ukraine has been included in the list of international sponsors of terrorism.

In addition, Szijjártó referred to an article by The Washington Post, according to which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy allegedly proposed to blow up the Druzhba oil pipeline, which supplies oil to Hungary.

It was mentioned in the article published in the pro-government Hungarian publication Origo, which appeared on Wednesday morning. It claims that Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, allegedly approved the bombing of Druzhba.

"Such a threat contradicts Hungary's sovereignty because the security of energy supply is a matter of sovereignty. If someone calls for the impossibility of Hungary's energy supply, he is actually attacking Hungary's sovereignty," Szijjártó commented.

He also promised to block any military aid to Ukraine at the level of the European Union until Kyiv revokes the status of an international war sponsor for the OTP Bank.

Usor usor incepe sa iasa la iveala toata mascarada asta inceputa de ceea mai democratica tara in numele libertatii.


Re: Orizonturi rosii... subway guru

Daca tu te increzi in propaganda ruseasca si in aberatiile unguresti e doar treaba ta…
Si unii si ceilalti nu fac decat sa santajeze, sa minta si sa ameninte dar cand vine la o adica dau inapoi ca lasii.


Re: Orizonturi rosii... Aron

Așa că alegem minciuna care ne piaptănă pe noi sau cum?
Eu mă încred în informarea corectă și în verificarea oricărei informații din ambele tabere. Când nu găsesc o concluzie clară cer o a 3a părere direct de la omul de rând afectat(rude de peste graniță cu care comunic). Ungaria mereu a deranjat prin comportamentul ei care doar își apără interesele personale naționale. De aceea și în Budapesta au început proteste format din oameni tineri/studenți majoritatea. Ucraina 2012-2014 trasă la indigo. De restul știrilor niciun comentariu? Faptul că tot mai multe state renunță la dolarul american nu zice nimic? Sau e tot propagandă rusească?


Re: Orizonturi rosii... subway guru

Ceea ce propvaduiesti acolo arata doar ca esti o goarna ruseasca a lui Putin, nu ar strica sa mai meditezi in pic…
In caz contrar muta-te in Ungaria sau in Rusia si vei fi un om fericit!


Re: Orizonturi rosii... Aron

Vice versa se aplica. Cand argumente nu exista apar insultari. Sper ca cineva din moderatori sa aplice sanctiuni cum se cuvine pentru astfel  de insultari direct la adresa mea. @Gabi
LE: mai dai si tu un pic un ochi prin paginile anterioare. Pe langa faptul ca pui stiri de la surse veritabile vestice. Majoritatea au disparut de pe yt. au mai rams 2-3 ratacite. Doar de la asta ar trebui sa te intrebi putin daca te meditezi de unde trebuie.


Re: Orizonturi rosii... subway guru

Dedolarizarea am facut-o noi si UE pentru a promova etalonul Euro.
Etalonul dolar e cam singurul in relatia cu ceilalti din BRICS, nu in youani sau alte monede exotice, singura exceptie e pentru Putin pentru ca nu dispune de valuta forte.


Re: Orizonturi rosii... Aron

Etalonul dolar e cam singurul in relatia cu ceilalti din BRICS

Momentan da, astea nu sint procese ce se realizeaza peste noapte. Exotice neexotice nu contează, în lumea asta nu doar € $ și £ se folosesc. Noua valută va fi sprijinit de aur și nu de petrol precum e dolarul


Re: Orizonturi rosii... Costin

Fara atacuri personale aici, respectati persoana si combateti ideile. Am eliminat formularea in cauza.


Re: Orizonturi rosii... Cristi N

Intre timp avem niste evenimente care merita mentionate:
- Trupe asemanatoare omuletilor verzi din anii trecuti au aparut la punctul de trecere a frontierei spre Belgorod si l-au atacat folosind inclusiv vehicule blindate DefMon3
- Ukraina sustine ca trupele aparute in regiunea Belgorod sunt formate exclusiv din cetateni rusi WarMonitor
- Spre deosebire de atacul de acum cateva saptamani acum operatiunea a fost efectuata in plina zi, deja au aparut mai multe filmari din drona si armamentul este mult mai complex Dmitri
- Bonus, a fost cucerita o sectie de politie de Belgorod de unde au fost luate mai multe uniforme si autospeciale de politie. Autoritatile ruse cer localnicilor sa traga fara somatie in directia oricarei persoane imbracata in uniforma de politist, nu mai exista personal de politie in regiune JasonJaySmart


  • Utilizator anonim 2
  • Posted:

Re: Orizonturi rosii... Utilizator anonim 2

Mda…se gasesc mereu unii sa se razboiasca cu statuile. Sint din acelasi aluat cu wokistii retardati din occident. Inteleg ca in Ucraina spiritele sint infierbintate si tentatia de a se rafui cu un monument ce nu poate riposta e mare dar in alte tari ar trebui sa se abtina. Daca comunistii au rescris istoria si au sters vechile simboluri, noi nu trebuie sa facem la fel; altfel nu am fi cu nimic mai buni decit ei.

PS: referitor si la numele strazilor/pietelor/oraselor/etc. As da o lege prin care toate sa revina la denumirea din momentul constructiei si as interzice orice schimbare ulterioara. Apare intre timp o personalitate careia ii trebuie cinstita amintirea? Foarte bine, prima strada ce se construieste din acel moment poate primi numele respectiv.


  • Pok
  • Posted:

Re: Orizonturi rosii... Pok

Ucrainenii au două perechi, sau ei de ce n-ar trebui să se abțină?
Nu de alta, dar "wokiștii" fix prin excepții fac masacrul pe care-l fac.


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