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Topic: Trenuri în Spania

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Trenuri în Spania Robert24

Tren Alvia (clasa 130 RENFE) si un mic detaliu

AVE.jpg (617.28 KB; downloaded 6606 times)

AVE detaliu.jpg (354.79 KB; downloaded 6594 times)


Re: Barcelona - Trenuri locale si regionale stakee

Toate vagoanele sunt pe osii?


Re: Barcelona - Trenuri locale si regionale Robert24

Sunt un fel de boghiuri, care de fapt au doua osii sub fiecare articulatie... E ciudat fiecare osie are o singura roata, iar osiile sunt prinse pe un cadru. Oricum, vagoanele sunt foarte scurte: 13,1m.
Formula unui tren este: Bo'Bo' 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Bo'Bo' (11 vagoane)

Trenul este unul de mare viteza (250km/h) si functioneaza atat pe ecartament iberic (1,668 mm) cat si pe cel normal (1,435 mm). Cel mai interesant e ca schimbarea de ecartament se face "in mers" la viteza mica!

Iata si doua filmulete foarte interesante privind schimbarea ecartamentului si o filmare pe viu!


Re: Trenuri in Spania bercenicity

Osia de sub articulatie se incadreaza in curbe prin intermediul celor doua parghii vizibile din poza de mai sus.

In plus, designul articulatiei ofera si inclinare pasiva in curbe  ( -> viteza mai mare) si o podea mai joasa -> centru de greutate mai coborat.

Marele dezavantaj al acestui sistem cu (pseudo-)osii simple este confort redus pe linii clasice cu joante si/sau mai prost intretinute - nu exista efectul de parghie conferit de un boghiu. Problema ar avea-o si ULF-urile

O varianta a clasei 130 este clasa 730 care in locul primului si ultimului segment de tren au cate un grup generator diesel de 1800kW, ceea ce permite trenului viteze de pana la 180km/h pe linii neelectrificate:

Un asemenea tren a deraiat la Santiago de Compostela.


Re: Trenuri in Spania Gabi23

Tren deraiat în apropiere de Barcelona. Un om a murit

Un om a murit şi cel puţin cinci au fost răniţi după ce un tren a deraiat în Spania, la 40 de kilometri nord-vest de Barcelona.
Accidentul a avut loc la ora locală 6. 15 minute. Potrivit presei locale, au sărit de pe şine două dintre cele 6 vagoane ale garniturii.
Compania feroviară a transmis că deraierea a avut loc din cauza unei alunecări de teren, în urma ploilor abundente din ultima perioadă.
150 de călători erau în tren când a avut loc accidentul. Traficul pe tronsonul de cale ferată afectat a fost întrerupt.
Operatorul feroviar a anunţat deja că vor fi introduse autobuze care să suplinească trenurile.

Sursa: ... it-1035178


Re: Trenuri în Spania Robert24

Renfe lanseaza procedura de achizitie pentru 211 trenuri regionale (Cercanías). Valoarea contractului este estimata la 2.27 miliarde euro.
Contractul prevede si mentenanta nivel 1 pe o durata de 15 ani.
Din totalul de 211 trenuri, 176 vor avea o lungime de 100 de metri (lot 1) si 35 vor fi de 200 de metri (lot 2), ambele avand posibilitatea de a adauga module extra pentru a creste capacitatea.
Licitatia mai prevede si optiunea pentru inca 120 de trenuri aditionale (96 de 100m si 24 de 200m) plus mentenanta acestora.

Mai multe detalii aici (in spaniola) - ... -de-euros/

In prezent, cele mai noi trenuri regionale sunt "Civia", fabricate de Alstom, Siemens si CAF. Acestea au intre 2 si 5 vagoane si au fost fabricate intre 2003 si 2010. ... ficha.html


Re: Trenuri în Spania PTMZ

Alston și Stadler au câștigat un contract pentru 211 trenuri noi de capacitate mare pentru Cercanías:
Renfe adjudica a Alstom y Stadler el contrato para la compra de 211 trenes de gran capacidad para Cercanías
• Por importe total de 2.445 millones de euros
Los nuevos trenes tendrán un 20% de capacidad mayor que los actuales Civia, y minimizarán el tiempo de bajada y subida de viajeros
• Todos ellos serán totalmente accesibles para facilitar el viaje de personas con movilidad reducida, y dispondrán de conexión wifi y zonas para bicicletas y carritos infantiles
• La compra forma parte del plan para la renovación de la flota de Cercanías y Media Distancia, para garantizar la calidad y mejora de los Servicios Públicos
• Renfe está realizando el mayor esfuerzo inversor de las últimas décadas, con licitaciones que superan los 3.500 millones y que generarán alrededor de 52.000 empleos

El Consejo de Administración de Renfe ha aprobado hoy la adjudicación a las empresas Alstom y Stadler del contrato para la compra de 211 trenes de gran capacidad para Cercanías, por un importe global de 2.445 millones de euros. Del total de trenes, 176 tendrán una longitud de 100 metros cada uno, y otros 35 alcanzarán los 200 metros.

El contrato se divide en dos lotes: el primero, adjudicado a Alstom Transporte, para el suministro de 152 trenes de 100 metros de longitud, por un importe de 1.447 millones de euros; y el segundo, adjudicado a Stadler Rail Valencia, para 24 trenes de 100 metros de longitud, y 35 trenes de 200 metros cada uno, por importe de 998 millones de euros.

Ambos lotes incluyen las piezas de parque, el almacén inicial de repuestos y sus utillajes, y el mantenimiento durante 15 años. La prestación de los servicios de mantenimiento se realizará a través de sociedades anónimas participadas (51% la compañía adjudicataria y 49% Renfe Fabricación y Mantenimiento).

Aumento del 20% de la capacidad
Los nuevos trenes, que serán destinados a servicio en los grandes núcleos de Cercanías, tienen una capacidad de al menos 900 plazas cada uno de ellos (un 20% más que los actuales Civia). Además, minimizarán el tiempo de bajada y subida de viajeros, mediante un avanzado diseño con un mínimo de 10 puertas y amplios vestíbulos.

Asimismo, todos ellos serán totalmente accesibles para facilitar el viaje de personas con movilidad reducida, y dispondrán de conexión wifi y zonas para bicicletas y carritos infantiles.

Esta operación forma parte del Plan de Renovación de flota puesto en marcha por Renfe en 2019, con el objetivo de garantizar la calidad y mejora de los Servicios Públicos en los próximos años, y que supondrá la renovación del los trenes de Cercanías y Media Distancia.

Renfe está realizando el mayor esfuerzo inversor de las últimas décadas en la compra de material rodante para contribuir al impulso de la recuperación económica, con licitaciones que superan en conjunto los 3.500 millones de euros y que generarán alrededor de 52.000 nuevos empleos.

La primera de estas licitaciones fue adjudicada el pasado mes de junio a la empresa Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) para el suministro de 31 trenes de Ancho Métrico y 6 trenes Alpinos, y el mantenimiento parcial de la flota de trenes durante un periodo de 15 años, por un importe global de 258 millones de euros.

Asimismo, en los próximos meses Renfe tiene previsto adjudicar sendos contratos para la adquisición de 43 de trenes de Media Distancia y 38 trenes de Cercanías, todos ellos híbridos, que se destinarán al servicio en diferentes comunidades autónomas. Igualmente, está previsto adjudicar también un contrato para la compra de 40 cabezas motrices que irán destinadas a las diferentes líneas de Alta Velocidad.

Rejuvenecimiento del parque ferroviario
La adquisición de estos trenes permite atender las previsibles necesidades de rejuvenecimiento de la flota, con el incremento de la fiabilidad y reducción de las incidencias, el aumento de la eficiencia energética, así como la adecuación a las obligaciones de implantación de la accesibilidad y el incremento de la seguridad en el sistema ferroviario.

A este respecto, Renfe pretende reducir la edad media del parque ferroviario, especialmente de Cercanías y Regionales, que cuentan con trenes que, en algunos casos, superan los 30 años de antigüedad y acumulan el 80% del servicio público de Renfe.

Renfe cuenta en la actualidad con un parque de 1.016 trenes destinados a Cercanías, Media Distancia y Ancho Métrico (antigua Feve), y desde 2007 no se había licitado la contratación para la adquisición de trenes nuevos.

El límite operativo de esas unidades es de 40 años, edad media que se ha superado en algunas series de los servicios de Media Distancia, especialmente en los de Ancho Métrico, y por ello la operadora ha acometido la mayor inversión posible para modernizar la flota de trenes destinada a OSP.

Și o traducere în engleză:
Renfe awards Alstom and Stadler the contract for the purchase of 211 large-capacity trains for Cercanías
• Total amount of 2,445 million euros
• The new trains will have a 20% higher capacity than the current Civia, and will minimize the time of descent and climbing of travelers
• All of them will be fully accessible to facilitate the travel of people with reduced mobility, and they will have Wi-Fi and areas for bicycles and children's carts
• The purchase is part of the plan for the renewal of the Cercanías and Medium Distance fleet, to ensure the quality and improvement of public services
• Renfe is making the largest investment effort of recent decades, with tenders exceeding 3.5 billion and creating around 52,000 jobs
The Board of Directors of Renfe today approved the award to the companies Alstom and Stadler of the contract for the purchase of 211 large-capacity trains for Cercanías, for an overall amount of 2,445 million euros. Of the total trains, 176 will have a length of 100 meters each, and another 35 will reach 200 meters.

The contract is divided into two lots: the first, awarded to Alstom Transporte, for the supply of 152 trains of 100 meters in length, amounting to EUR 1,447 million; and the second, awarded to Stadler Rail Valencia, for 24 trains of 100 meters in length, and 35 trains of 200 meters each, amounting to 998 million euros.

Both lots include park parts, the initial spare parts warehouse and their tools, and maintenance for 15 years. The provision of maintenance services will be carried out through limited companies owned (51% the contracting company and 49% Renfe Manufacturing and Maintenance).

20% increase in capacity
The new trains, which will be destined for service in the large nuclei of Cercanías, have a capacity of at least 900 seats each (20% more than the current Civia). In addition, they will minimize the time of descent and climbing of travelers, through an advanced design with a minimum of 10 doors and large halls.

All of them will be fully accessible to facilitate the travel of people with reduced mobility, and wi-Fi and areas for bicycles and children's carts will be available.

This operation is part of the Fleet Renewal Plan launched by Renfe in 2019, with the aim of ensuring the quality and improvement of Public Services in the coming years, and that will involve the renewal of 50%, of the Cercanías and Medium Distance trains.

Renfe is making the greatest investment effort of recent decades in the purchase of rolling stock to contribute to the boost of economic recovery, with tenders that together exceed 3.5 billion euros and will generate around 52,000 new jobs.

The first of these tenders was awarded last June to the company Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) for the supply of 31 Metric Width trains and 6 Alpine trains, and the partial maintenance of the fleet of trains over a period of 15 years, for an overall amount of 258 million euros.

In addition, in the coming months Renfe plans to award two contracts for the acquisition of 43 Medium Distance trains and 38 trains from Cercanías, all hybrid, which will be used for service in different autonomous communities. It is also planned to award a contract for the purchase of 40 motor heads that will be intended for the different high-speed lines.

Rejuvenation of the railway park
The acquisition of these trains allows to meet the foreseeable needs of rejuvenation of the fleet, with the increase in reliability and reduction of incidents, the increase in energy efficiency, as well as the adaptation to the obligations of implementation of accessibility and the increase of safety in the railway system.

In this regard, Renfe aims to reduce the average age of the railway park, especially nearby and regional, which have trains that, in some cases, exceed 30 years old and accumulate 80% of Renfe's public service.

Renfe currently has a park of 1,016 trains for Cercanías, Medium Distance and Metric Width (former Feve), and since 2007 no contracting had been tendered for the purchase of new trains.

The operating limit of these units is 40 years, the average age that has been exceeded in some series of Medium Distance services, especially those of Metric Width, and therefore the operator has made as much investment as possible to modernize the fleet of trains destined for OSP.

Sursa: Renfe


Re: Trenuri în Spania Robert24

Comunicatul Stadler

Stadler wins the tender to deliver 59 trains to Spanish state-owned rail operator RENFE

The Spanish state-owned rail operator RENFE awarded Stadler the contract to build and deliver 59 high-capacity commuter trains. The contract is worth approximately one billion euros and includes the spare parts and maintenance for a 15-year period. The contract will be signed further on, in
accordance with the procedure.
The Spanish state-owned rail operator RENFE has awarded Stadler a contract to deliver 59 commuter trains, which also includes the spare parts and maintenance for 15 years. This award is one of the batches in the bidding for the high-capacity trains tendered by the Spanish operator. Stadler proposes to maximize the capacity by using double-deck coaches with a scalable length from 100 to 120 meters and from 160 to 240 meters. The Iberian-gauge trains will operate on 3 kV DC overhead lines reaching a maximum speed of 140 km/h. They will provide the commuter service in the largest Spanish cities.
This is the first time that RENFE will order trains from Stadler. The new trains shall be developed and produced in Stadler’s plant in Valencia. The contract envisages an option for 44 additional units as well as their maintenance.
Iñigo Parra, CEO Stadler Valencia, said: «We’re excited about the decision from RENFE and their trust in Stadler. We were chosen to provide trains in our factory in Spain for the Spanish commuter service – this makes us proud.>>

Deci, vom avea KISS! :) ... 160/161/


Re: Trenuri în Spania PTMZ

Și comunicatul Alstom:
29 March 2021 – Alstom has won a contract to provide Renfe, the Spanish national railway operator, with 152 high-capacity trains for a total amount of more than €1.4 billion. The trains will come from Alstom’s X’Trapolis range of suburban trains. The contract also includes the maintenance of 56 of the trains for a period of 15 years and the supply of parts for the fleet, as well as the initial stock of spare parts and their tooling.
The new trains, which rely on proven platforms, will allow Renfe to transport at least 20% more passengers per hour in the country’s most congested railway hubs, including Madrid and Barcelona. They will each be 100 metres long and have a capacity of over 900 passengers. The X’Trapolis boast an innovative mixed-configuration design, with both single and double-decker cars, designed specifically to meet the evolving mobility needs of major urban centres.
“We are immensely proud to have been selected by Renfe to supply this large fleet of latest-generation trains. Our solution is the result of long experience in design, engineering and industrialisation on a global level, and over 30 years of manufacturing trains in Spain. Furthermore, the fact that more than 80% of our suppliers are local Spanish companies, makes us very proud. The size and importance of this contract bears witness to the trust and confidence that has been built in the enduring relationship between Alstom and Renfe,” said Gian Luca Erbacci, President of Alstom Europe.
The design of the new X’Trapolis trains maximises capacity for passengers thanks to innovative interior configuration and flexible spaces. Numerous access doors and large distribution halls facilitate the entry and exit of passengers, allowing a decrease in station stop times. The trains offer universal accessibility, Wi-Fi connectivity and dedicated areas for bicycles and pushchairs. The X’Trapolis also maximise availability and line usage via more efficient traction systems and the latest generation of train control technology.
The X’Trapolis is a sustainable train, fully developed in line with eco-design criteria, from the raw materials selection to traction systems. It offers optimal energy efficiency during operation and a recyclability rate of over 98% at the end of its service life.
The conception of this innovative train is the result of two years of intense work by a team of over a hundred professionals from across Alstom’s many domains of expertise and parts of the world. The team was led and coordinated by engineering and industrialisation experts from Alstom’s Santa Perpètua site near Barcelona and the Madrid centres of excellence. The trains will be manufactured at Santa Perpètua.
Alstom’s X’Trapolis is a modular train platform that allows a large range of flexible, high-capacity solutions for suburban and regional transit designed to meet the needs of both operators and passengers. The range benefits from over 30 years’ experience. In the past ten years, over 5,000 X’Trapolis cars have been sold to major cities in Australia, Chile, Spain, South Africa and France.

20210329_PR_Renfe_EN.pdf (128.09 KB; downloaded 217 times)


Re: Trenuri în Spania Robert24

Si designul Alstom X’Trapolis
Exterior-de-los-Xtrapolis-de-Alstom-de-Renfe-Cercanias.jpg (383.74 KB; downloaded 3703 times)


Re: Trenuri în Spania Robert24

Avem si randarea de la Stadler:
Stadler-KISS-de-Renfe-en-Atocha.jpg (257.33 KB; downloaded 3668 times)


Re: Trenuri în Spania Robert24

Guvernul Spaniei a autorizat procedura pentru o licitatie privind modernizarea sectorului Castelló-Vandellòs, parte a Coridorului Mediteranean

Avand un buget de peste 121 milioane euro (fara TVA), modernizarea presupune modificarea ecartamentului (de la cel iberic 1668mm la cel standard 1435mm) si a sistemului de electrificare (de la 3KV la 25KV) pe o lungime de aproximativ 150 km.
Lucrarile vor fi separate in doua contracte: sectiunea Castelló-Vinaròs cu o valoare estimata de 76,77 mil euro, si sectiunea Vinaròs-Vandellòs, cu o valoare estimata de 45 mil euro.
Durata de executie va fi de 18 luni de la semnarea contractelor.
In prezent, legatura rapida dintre Barcelona si Valencia se face prin intermediul trenurilor Euromed (Renfe clasa 130 - Talgo 250). Aceste trenuri permit ecartament variabil. Intre Barcelona si Vandellós, trenurile circula pe linii AVE cu ecartament standard, avand o viteza maxima de 250 km/h, iar mai departe, circula pe ecartament iberic cu viteza maxima de 200 km/h. Pentru trecerea de la un ecartament la altul, se foloseste schimbatorul de ecartament automat de la Boadella.

Mai multe informatii in spaniola: ... 021-1614


Re: Trenuri în Spania PTMZ

Renfe is investing EUR 35 million to refurbish 44 passenger trains of series S-130 and S-730. The aim is to improve the interior design and comfort of the trains and adapt them with new services.

30 of S-130 series and 14 of the S-730 series will be modernised and equipped with Wi-Fi communication and the Play Renfe content platform.

The modernisation also includes the seats, the floor, toilets and on board equipment.

The first refurbished trains are expected to enter operation at the end of 2021 and the entire project is scheduled to be completed in 36 months.

Once upgraded, these passenger trains will serve high-speed infrastructure that will soon enter service.

The 130 series trains (Alvia Series 130) comprising 11 Talgo series with seven carriages and two traction units with mechanical engineering by Talgo and electrical engineering by Bombardier (now Alstom) can travel on high-speed international gauges tracks at 250 km/h and on conventional tracks at 200 km/h. They were delivered in 2009.

Each S-130 train has 11 cars with a total capacity of 299 seats, which include one seat per railcar dedicated for the passengers with reduced mobility (PRM). The seats are distributed between the Preferential (63 seats) and Tourist (236) classes, and a Cafeteria. The coaches’ layout comprises three in Preferential class and seven in Economy class, with a cafeteria car between the two classes.

The S-730 is a bi-mode (hybrid) train that debuted in June 2012 on the Madrid – Galicia rail route. This series is company’s the first hybrid train, with both diesel and electrical traction technology enabling the advantages of high-speed travel to be extended to non-electrified sections of track thanks to its gauge conversion systems allowing it to travel on UIC- (AVE gauge) and conventional – gauge tracks.

The dual-voltage hybrid train has a total capacity of 265 seats. The Preferential class offers 47 seats plus a seat adapted to the passengers with reduced mobility, while the Economy class provides 216 seats. Each trainset offers seats for passengers with disabilities. The Cafetería car is situated between the second and fourth railcars.

Renfe is implementing its rolling stock modernisation and renewal programme. In January, the operator has signed with CAF a contract for 37 trains, and in March has announced Alstom and Stadler as the winners of a contract totalling EUR 2.44 billion.

Sursa: Railway PRO
Renfe has signed with Alstom and Stadler the EUR 2.44 billion contracts for the supply of a total fleet of 211 high-capacity trains  following the announcement made in March 2021.

The Spanish rail operator has signed the EUR 1.44 billion contract with Alstom for the delivery of 152 high-capacity trains for Cercanías, including the supply of spare parts, maintenance services and equipment for 15 years. The trains will be 100 metre-long and will have a capacity of 900 seats each, a 20% increase than the current Civia train fleet. In addition, they will minimise the time of getting off and on for passengers, through an advanced design with minimum 10 doors and large lobbies. They will operate on the rail network of large suburban centres.

Alstom trains for Renfe will be fully accessible to facilitate the travel of people with reduced mobility, and will have Wi-Fi connection and areas for bicycles and children’s strollers.

The contract represents a guarantee of workload for the coming years with an estimated double workforce, generating more than 500 qualified jobs and twice as many indirect ones. The agreement with Alstom will also deliver investments in new facilities such as welding workshops, paint booths, warehouses and dynamic test tracks, as well as the development of a new centre of excellence dedicated to 3D printing. It will also strengthen a rail hub in Catalonia, with the Alstom’s Santa Perpètua plant, in Barcelona as a benchmark for digitalisation and development of the latest technologies and processes to design and build the trains. Currently, more than 80% of the Alstom Spain suppliers are local companies.

With Stadler, Renfe signed a EUR 998 million contract for the delivery of 52 high-capacity for commuter services. The Iberian-gauge trains will operate on 3 kV DC overhead lines reaching a maximum speed of 140 km/h. They will provide the transport services in the largest Spanish cities. It is the first time when Stadler will develop and build the trains for Renfe at its plant in Valencia.

The contracts are part of Renfe’s fleet renewal programme started in 2019 with the aim of guaranteeing the quality and improvement of public services in the coming years, and which will involve the renewal of 50% of the suburban, medium and long distance trains. In this context, Renfe intends to reduce the average age of the Cercanías trains and regional train fleet which on average are 30 years old and represent 80% of operator’s public transport service. The company is making the largest investment effort in recent decades for rolling stock procurement to boost the economic recovery. The EUR 3.5 billion tenders will generate around 52,000 new jobs.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Trenuri în Spania Robert24

Incep testele pentru omologarea trenurilor ETR1000 ale operatorului Ilsa

Saptamana aceasta incep testele pe linia de mare viteza Figueras (Spania) - Perpignan (Franta). Dupa finalizarea probelor pe aceasta sectiune, testele vor continua pe liniile de mare viteza Madrid-Barcelona, ​​Madrid-Valencia si Madrid-Sevilla.

O rama ETR1000 (cunoscuta si ca Frecciarossa 1000) are lungime de 200 de metri, este formata din 8 sectiuni si are o capacitate de 467 de pasageri, este echipata cu sisteme ERTMS / ETCS si poate atinge o viteza maxima de 360 km/h. Oricum, in Spania, viteza maxima in circulatie este de 310 km/h.
Trenul este fabricat de Alstom in cooperare cu Hitachi Rail, asamblarea finala facandu-se in orasul italian Pistoia.

Ilsa (detinuta de Air Nostrum si Trenitalia), planuieste sa inceapa opeararea la mijlocului anului viitor, conectand Madrid de Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Alicante, Córdoba si Malaga in prima faza, apoi intr-o faza ulterioara si alte rute, inclusiv internationale.



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